A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Geob^g 11 III. C. 29- 213 Cafe, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Clerk to the faid Commiffioners for the Time being;, c!erk is t0 fummon and he is hereby required to fummon the faid Commiffioners to meet at the Place where the 1 aft another Meeting; Meeting was appointed to be held, within fix Days next after the Day' on which fuch laft Meeting ^1^730^'° was appointed to be held ; fuch Summons to be in Writing, and figned by the Clerk, and to be de- before, at the Commif- livered at the ufual or laft Place of Abode of the faid Commiffioners, at leaft four Days before fuch "oners' Houfes. next Meeting ; and in cafe the faid Clerk fhall happen to die before fuch Summons iffued, or fhall Clerk dying, orneglea- neglect to iifue fuch Summons in Manner aforefaid, then the Treafurer to the faid Commiffioners ' n s» the Treafurer is to for the Time being fhall and may, and he is hereby required to iffue fuch Summons in manner fummon fu ' h Meetin s- aforefaid. _ II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Powers Autho- Powers and Claufes in the rities, Directions, Provifions, Regulations, Claufes, Matters and Things whatfoever, contained in parent and foimer a£U, the faid recited former Acts, and this Act, or either of them, fhall extend, to all Places, not Tho- extendetl t0 M |J|aces roughfares, within the faid Parifhes, Precincts and Places, comprized in the faid former Ads, in "a. '" fuch and the fame Manner as they already extend, or are hereby intended to extend, to Places which are Thoroughfares, as effectually to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the refpeclive Powers, Authorities, Directions, Provifions, Regulations, Claufes, Matters and Things in the faid Acts or either of them contained, were herein repeated and fpecially enacted. ' III. And whereas by the faid Aft of the fecond Year of his prefent Majefty, the Commiffioners for claufe In Aft 2 Geo. j, ' putting the faid Act in Execution, are directed to caufe the Works done under the Authority off. 21. requiring a Re- ' the faid Act, to be infpedted by their Surveyor or Surveyors, or other Perfon or Perfons appointed P ort t0 be made b y the I by them for that Purpofe, who are to report to the Commiffioners, in cafe the faid Works fhall Surve ;'° r . of a "y No "- l not be performed according to the true Senfe of the Contract or Contracts entered into for that llZ?^Cot™«vZf,l Purpofe, before the (aid Commiffioners can caufe the Perion or Perfons fo contracting, to be fued bring an Aftion for the ' for Nonperformance of their Contract, which Method has been found inconvenient;' Where- fame, repealed, fore, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fo much of the faid Ait as requires and directs a Report to be made by the Surveyor or Surveyors, or other Perfon or Perfons appointed by the Commiffioners for that Purpofe, before any Action fhall be brought againft any Perfon fo con- tracting, fhall be and the fame is hereby declared to be repealed. IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the Receivers, or other Per- Receiver or Receivers of the Rates or Afleflments appointed or to be appointed by the faid Com- funs authonfed by the miffioners, or any or either of fuch Receiver or Receivers, or for any other Perfon or Perfons au- c < >mmi(r, ° ners are t0 be thorifed by the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, at all convenient Times (firft i a ™ctp?esof "or Ex having an Order under the Hands of the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, for tracts from, the Books that Purpofe) to infpect the Books or Rates made for railing Money for the Relief and Maintenance of Piors Rates in the fe- of the Poor of all or any of the Parifhes or Places comprehended within the faid recited Acts, or veral Pari,nes s rat 's> in either of them, in order to afcertain the Rates and Afleffrnenrs to be raifed by virtue of this and the « rdertoafcertai " th <j Af - faid two recited Acts, and alfo to take Copies thereof, or make Extracts therefrom, and likewife virWrf thVrecTted . to infpect and take Copies of, or Extracts out of or from, any Book or Books kept by any Parifh Acts. Officer or Officers, or other Officer or Officers appointed by Authority of Parliament, within the Cities of London or IVeftminfter, or County of Middle/ex, for the paving, cleanfing, or lighting, any Square, Street, Lane, Place or Diftrict, in London, Weflminjier or Middlejex ; which- Inflec- tion, Copies and Extracts, the Veftry Clerk or Veftry Clerks, or other Officer or Officers of the refpeelive Parifhes and Places, or other Officer or Officers, Perfon or Perfons, having the Cuftody of fuch Book and Rate, Books and Rates, are hereby required to permit and fuffer to be made, without Fee or Reward, by fuch Receiver or Receivers, or other Perfon or Perfons appointed as aforefaid, on their producing an Order under the Hands of the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, for that Purpofe ; and in cafe any fuch Veftry Clerk, or other fuch Officer or Offi- Penalty of fuch Rei'ufai, cers, or Perfon or Perfons, fhall neglect or refufe fo to do, within three Days after fuch Order fhall be produced and fhewn to him or them, or a Copy thereof left at his or their laft or moft ufual Place of Abode, then and in every fuch Cafe, he or they fo refufing or neglecting fhall for the firft Offlnce forfeit the Sum of twenty Shillings; for the fecond Offence, the Sum of forty Shil- lings; and for the third, and every other Offence, the Sum of three Pounds. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the (aid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, from time to time, and at all Times here- Commiffioners allowed afi an for after to be entered into, 011^ account of any Breach or Nonperformance of any fuch Contract or Contracts, for fuch Sum or Sums of Money as they, or any five or more of them fliall think pro- per, fo as the Sum fo compounded and agreed for, be not lefs than the Injury or Damage fuftained by the Breach or Nonperformance of fuch Contract or Contracts, and all the Colts, Charges and Expences which fhall be occafioned thereby. VI. And for the more effectual and proportional rating Dead Walls, Void Spaces of Ground, Time and Times as the Rates and AlTefTments hereby and in the faid recited Acts', or either of th. m %l y fu * L T & ' H °f e ' are directed to be made, to rate and affefs all fuch Dead Walls, Void Spaces of Ground, and other rated' and 'affeffed? " Buildings
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