Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/294

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attaint* 27. Of the Duke of Ormonde, 1 Gm, J. ft. 2. e. 17. 28. Of the Earl of Mar, and others, 1 G«?. i.y?. 2. r. 32. 19. Of the Earls of Marifcball, Seafortb, and others, 1 Geo. I. /?. 2. <-. 42. Difability of the Earl of Seafortb removed, 8 Geo, 2. c. 22. 30. OfTfo. Forfter, junior, ixAWill, Mackintfi, Efquires, 1 Geo. 1. ft. 2. c. 53. 31. Of Plunket, &c. q Geo. T. e. 15. 32. Of the Earl of Kellie, and others for Rebellion, 19 Geo. 2. f. 26. For otber Matters, fee foihitmc, £)J5ona{ien'ej5 1 1, W< Crcafon 45. attaint. 1. To be granted in Plea of Land, 5/. Weftm. 1. 3 Ed. 1. c. 38. 34 £V. 3. <-. 7. 2. Two Juftices fworn to take Affifes and Attaints 3 times a Year, 13 Ed. 1. <r. 30. 3. Attaint may be taken by Default of the Petit Jury at the great Diftrefs, Fie. i^Ed.2. 4. Shall be granted in Trefpafs as well of the Principal as of the Damages, and though the Damages be not paid, 1 Ed. 3. /. i.e. 6. 5. Eflbin de fervitio, & t c. and Protection not to be allowed in Attaints, and five Days in the Year fhall be given, 5 Ed. 3. c. 6. 6. Sha'l be granted in Trefpafs fine Irewi if the Damages ex- ceed 40J. 5 Ed. 3. c. 7. without regard to the Quantity of the Damages, 28 Ed. 3. c. 8. 7. Shall be granted on ea'fy Fine, and to the Poor without Fine, 34^.3. c.-'f. S. Shall be granted to a Reversioner, 9 R. 2. c. 3. 9. In Attaint of a Verdift of the City of Lincoln, the Jury fhall be impanelled of the County of Lincoln, 13 R. z. ft. 1. c. 18. 3ff. S-ft.2. c. 5. 10. The Plaintiffs fhall recover their Cofb and Damages, 1 1 H. 6. c. 4. 11. Jurors in Attaint fhall have 20/, a Year in Land, 15 H. 6, c 5. 12. A falfe foreign Plea fhall be peremptory, ic.H.6. c. 5. 13. A Tenant in Gavelkind may be returned in Attaint in Kent, 18H.6.C.2. 14. Regulations of Attaints in London, 11 H. 7. c. 21. 15. Perfons convifted in Attaint difabled to be Jurors, 11 H. 7. r. 21. 16. Proceedings in Attaint regulated, 11 H. 7. f. 24. 19 H. 7. f. 3, 23 H. 8. <-. 3. 17. In Attaint, Petty Jury may appear by Attorney, 23 H. 8. <•• 3- § 8. 18. Perfons worth 400 Marks in Goods may be impanelled in Attaints in London, 37 H. 8. c. 5. ivr other Matters, fee Abatement 16. Challenge ;. Cfs fot'n 3, Cjceominunicatton 6. juries 21. litffpjtus 7. J©Utlalj}?£ 16, C5r. 1 $ ants g>olictt0$* 1. Freemen owing Suit to the County or Lord's Court, may make an Attorney, 20 H, 3. c. 10. 1; H.6. c.y. 2. Where Barrators not to be Attornies in County Court, 3 Ed. 1. <•• 33-~ 3. Form of Writ of Attorney in Wales, 1 2 Ed. 1. § 47. a. An Attorney may be made where an Appeal doth not lie, 6 Ed. 1. ft. i.e. 8. 5. Who may make General Attornies, 13 Ed. 1. ft. 1. r. 10. 7 '/?. 2. c. 14. 6. Fine to be made in the Exchequer before the granting a Writ de attornato generali facienJo i St. de Libert, ferquirend, 27 Ed. Uft.2. §tto?ttfes; 7. A Writ de attornato faciendo for Parties not able to travel, St. de Libert, ferquirend. 27 Ed, .ft. 2. 8. Tenants in Afiife may make Attornies, 12 Ed. 2. ft. 1. c. 1. 9. The Judges may admit Attornies in Pleas before them, St. de Fin. 15 Ed. 2. ft. r. 10. General Attornies may. be made in Praemunire, by fuch 13 pafs the Sea with Licence, 7 R. 2. e. 14. 11. General Attornies may fubftitute other Attornies, 7 R. 2. c. 14. 12. Shall be examined by the Judges and their Names put on the Roll, 4 H. 4. c. 18. 2 G«. 2. <-. 23. 13. Shall be fworn not to bring Suits in foreign Counties, 4 H. 4. c n 1 8. 14. ■ No Officer of a Franchife fhall be Attorney in a Plea within the Franchife, 4 W. 4. c. 19. 15. Impotent Perlons being outlawed may make Attornies, 7 H. 4. <% 13. 16. (JnderfherifFs, effr. not to be Attornies while in Office, 1 H. 5. a 4. 17. A particular Aft for the Duke of Bedford to make his Attor- nies, 2H. 6. c. 3. 18. The Number of Attornies in Norfolk and Suffolk limited, 33-#; 6. c. 7. 19. Attornies, c3 V. not punifhable for pleading a forged Deed for their Clients, not being privy to the Forgery, 5 El. c. 14. § »;• 20. Defendants informed againft upon a penal Law, may appear by Attorney, 29 El. c. 5. §21. Restrained to natural born Sub- jefts and Denizens, 31 El. c. 10. § 2c. 21. Recufants convift not to praftife as Attornies or Solicitors, iJa. i.r. 5 .§8. 22. Attornies fhall take Tickets of their Difburfements, 3 Ja 1 cy. 23. Shall deliver a Bill figned before they charge their Clients with their Fees, 3 Ja.i. c. 7. 2 Geo. 2. c. 23. § 23. 24. None fhall be admitted Attornies but they that are brought up to it, 3 Ja. i.e.-. 2 Geo. 2. c. 23. 25. Attornies fhall not fuffer others to praaife in their Names ex- cept in fpecial Cafes, 3 Ja. 1. c . 7. § 2. 2 Gw. 2. c. 23. § 10, 17- 26. Perfons convifted of Forgery or Perjury, and praftifing as Attornies to be tranfported, 1 2 Geo. 1. c. 29. § 4. 27. Regulations of Attornies Clerkfhips, 2 Geo. 2. c. 23. § 5, 7, 12, 15, 16. made perpetual, 30 Geo. 2. <•. 19. § 75. 28. Solicitors in Equity to be admitted and fworn, 2 Gee. 2. c. 23. § 7, 20, 21. 29. Attornies and Solicitors to be inrolled without Fee, 2 Geo. 2. < 23. § 18. 30. Attorney's Name to be indorfed on every Procefs for arrefting, 2 Ge«. 2. c, 23. § 22. 31. Directions for the Taxation of Bills, 2 Geo. 2. c. 23. § 23. not to extend to Cafes between Attorney and Agent, 12 Geo. 2. <r. 13. § 6. 32. The Six Clerks Attornies and Clerks, in the Exchequer, and Solicitors of the Treafury, t?c. excepted out of this Aft, 2 Gee. 2. c. 23. § 26, 27, 28. 33. Attornies, Solicitors and Proftors incapacitated to aft as J oC- tices of the Peace, 5 Geo. 2. c. 18. § 2. 34. Shall take no more than $s. for ferving Copy of Procefs,

Geo. 2. c. 27. § 2.

35. Penalty of iffuing fpecial Writs in fmall Suits, 5 Gee. 2. c. 27. 36. Attornies of the fuperior Courts may be admitted in inferior Courts, 6 Geo, 2. c. 27. § 2, 37. Not indorfing Attorney's Name on Warrant does not vitiate, 12 Geo. 2. c. 13. § 4. 38. Attornies may ufe Abbreviations in their Bills, 12 Geo. 2. c. 13. §5. 39. Penalty on Perfons not admitted praftifing in County Courts, 12 Gee. 2. a 13. § 7. 40. Quakers