Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/302

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Xoofcd* 2. None (hall have Power to bar the Limitations, $Ann.c. 3. § 5. 5 Ann. c. 4. § 4. 3. Built at theExpence of the Crown, I Geo. i.ft. 2. c. 12. § 34. The Minifter of the new Church there how provided for, 3 Geo. XUtb&er. See Whale. 23oat0. See Watermen. XoClUtlff. See Braintree. "BoIflerS nntl pfilOtOg. See Upholders. 150tia 390talHlia. See Wills, Probate of Wills 4.

  • BOHtl0' See Obligations.

lBone=lace. 1. Foreign Bone Lace not to be imported, 13 & 14 Car. 2. c 1 3. 2. May be exported free to Scotland, Ireland or the Planta- tion!^ 11^12^.3.^3. § 15. 3. Prohibition of importing Bone- Lace repealed, 5 Ann, c. 17. 4. Manufaftures excufed from the Duty upon Hawkers and Ped- lars, 4 Geo. 1 f.6. For other Matters, fee i$anufafturCS5«  1. All Foreigners allowed to import and fell Books, 1 R. 3. c. 9. § 12. Repealed by 25 H. 8. c. 15. 2. Importing of Bound Books for Sale prohibited, 2; H. 3. c. 1 5. 3. The Prices of Books to be regulated by the Lord Chancellor, Treafurer and Chief Juftices, 25 H. 8. c. 15. § 4. 8 Ann. c. 19^ § 4. Repealed by 12 Geo. 2. c. 36. § 3. 4. The importing, buying and felling of Popifh Books prohi- bited, 3 Ja. 1. c. 5. § 2;.

. For regulating and licenfing the Prefs, 13 & 14 Car. 2. r. 33.

16 Car. 2. f. 8. l6y 17 Cur, 2. c. 7. 17 Car. 2. c. 4. 6. Three Copies of every new Book to be referved for the King's Library and the two Univerfities, 17 Car. 2. c. 4. § 2. 7. The Right of Copy prefeived to the Authors, 8 Ann. c. 19. 8. Nine Copies of new Books to be referved, 8 Ann. c. 19. § 5. —— Saving of the Rights of the Univerfities, 8 Ann. c. ig. §9. 9. Pamphlets required to be printed with the Name of the true Publifher, 10 Ann. c. 19. § 113. io. A Duty of 30 per Cent, on Books and Prints imported, 10 Ann. c. 19. § 33. Taken off 12 Ann. ft. 2. c. 5. 11. Duty on Books fixed at 14/. per hundred Weight, 9 Geo. 1. c. 19. § 6. 1 2. The Property of an Edition of Thuanus's Hiftory fecured for 14 Years, 7 Geo. 2. c. 24. 13. Property of engraved Prints fecured, 8 Geo. 2. c. 13. 14. Prohibition of importing Books printed Abroad, which were originally printed in Great Britain, 12 Geo. 2. c. 36. 20 Geo. 2. c. 47. 27 Geo. 2. c. I 8. 15. The Property of Byron's Short-hand fecured, 15 Geo. 2. c. 23. j 6. The Duties impofed by 12 Ann. made perpetual by 6 Geo. 1. f. 4, and part fubfcribed to the Se«/£ Sea Company, and part mortgaged to the Bank. 1.7. Paper Duty on Books printed in the Univerfities how to be repaid, 10 Ann. c. iq. § 63. 32 Geo. 2. c. 10. § 6. Fo- other Matters, fee. fDjilttitirj, meCUCSttt!3 3 2 , ^titmpS, gmperftittous Jl&ooHs, eaales. TBooft of ftateg, 12 &*r. 2. <:. 4. § 6. anuttional 'Book of Kates, n Geo. i. *. 7 . . § 2. 25oot&& 1. Robbery in them where ouiled of Clergy, 5 tif 6 Ed. 6. c. 9. §5- 2. Owners how taxable, 30 Geo. 2. r. 3. § 121, 122. ISojOei'S Of ©COtlaitfU See Northumberland. S5o^OUfi&0* See Corporations. 2f5otatgo 0? Cafceat, May be imported, 10 & 11 W. 3. c. 24. § 14. 25ottOttttp« See Infurance. 'Boultel JReiniS, To what Duties liable, 4 W. tif M. c. y. §. 2. TSofoS aim 'Boto=ifai)e£, 1. Four Bow-ftaves (hall be imported with every Ton of Me»- chandize from Venice, 12 Ed. 4. c. 2. 2. Ten Bows for every Butt of Malmefey, 1 R. c. 11. 617.8. c 11. 13 £/. f. 14. 3. Archery to be ufed by all able Men, 17 Ed. 4. r. 3. 4. The Price of Bows limited, 22 Ed. 4. f. 4. 3 r7. 7. C.-I3.. 33 #. 8. f. 9. 8 £/. f. 10. 5. Bow-ftaves difcharged of Cuflom, 19 H. 7. c. 2. 6. Shooting in Crofs-Bows by thofe who have not 200 Markj Land, prohibited, 19 H. 7. c. 4. 3 H. 8. r. 1 3. 6/7.8. f. 13. 14 tif 15 /V. 8. <-. 7. 7. Crofs-bows and Hand-guns prohibited, 25; i7. 8. c.17. 33 H. 8. f. 6. 8. Shooting Hail-Shot, tiff, prohibited, 2 & 3 •EV. 6. f. 14. Re- pealed by 6 tif 7 W. 3 . f . 13. § 3 . 9. Every Bowyer in Loudon^ tiff, {hall keep fifty Bows of Elm, tiff. 8 El. c. 10. 10. Strangers bringing Wares from the Eaft, to bring Bows, 13;' El. c. 14. See Urchcrp,

  • B0£ SHOOtU See Wood.

/ B?acel£t0. See Necklaces. Xinintm ann 'Bodutts in Eflex. Mifdemeanors of Spinners there how punifhed, 7 Ja. i.e.f. §4- iBjatrtip, Snacfc ano otljet* &pftti& 1. The Excife upon Brandy fettled, 22 Car. 2. c. 4. 9 tif 10 JF. 3. f. 21. § 27. 6 Geo. 2. f. 17. 2. Duties upon Low Wines, 2 W. tif M.f. 2. f. 9. 12 tif 13 W. 3. f. 1 1 . 4 ^w. f . 1 2. § 2. 1 Geo. 2. f. 1 6. 3. Allowance of Exportation of Malt Spirits, 2 W. l£M. ft. 2. c 9. § 6. 12 tif 13 ^. 3. f. 11. §7. 4. Excife upon Guerrfey Brandy, 2 W. & M.ft. 2. c. 9. § 12. 5. Penalty on Diftillers concealing Spirits, 3 IV. & M. c. 15. 6. Duties on Brandy how to be levied, 4 W. tif M. f. 5. § 5. 7; Imported in VeiTels of lefs than 60 Gallons forfeited, 4 if', tif M. r. 5. § 8. 8. RepeaJ