Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/307

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^tinfaty. ■Btmtfno;. •ButcBetsf , TSattct anti Cljcete. ig. The Expence of Party- Walls, ibid. § 26". 20. Further Provifions for regulating Buildings and preventing Fires, 4 Geo. 3. c. 14. /or building on Commons, fee 3pp?0l)ClUCllt, /or e/&r Matters, Jee ;tftre, JJUojtrjamtlton. OBuHlOm See Gold.

  1. BUU0« See Rome.

^utgiatp anti s&oplfftfiiff* 1. Whe're oufted of Clergy, 25 ff. 8. c. 3. § 2, 3. 2. Clergy taken away from thofe who rob any Perfon in their Dwelling-Houfe or Booth, 5 (3 6 Ed. 6. c. g. 18 El. e. 7. 3. From thofe that Ileal Goods in a Houfe, Shop, 13 c. any Per- fon being therein; or in a Houfe, Shop, &c. to the Value of 5 s. 3 W. (3 M. e. 9, 10 y 1 1 W. 3. r. 33. 4. Reward for apprehending Houfe-Breakers, 5 Ann. c. 31, r. Stealing to 40J. Value in any Houfe, though it be not broke, and though no one be in it, oufted of Clergy, 1 2 Ann. ft. 1 . c.j. § 1. And fee 6 G*<j. i. r. 23. 6. Felon breaking out of a Houfe in the Night guilty of Burglary, 12 Ann. ft. I f. 7. §3. for er*w Matters, fee %W%ztytCtitK& Of JfelOttS, ^FclO= tttes initrjout Clergp, 7"///? HicceffartN fJariwn 14. 1. Forfeiture for a Popifti Burial, 3 y«. 1. c. 5. § 15. 2. Sites of Churches to be demolilhed to be inclofed for Burial- places, 2Z Car. 2. c. 11. § 66. Minifter to keep a Regifter at Parifh Charge, 30 Car. 2. ft. 1. e. 3. § 7. 3. Provifions for burying in Woollen, 18 Car. 2. e. 4. 30 Car. 2. ft i.e. 3 . _ ; 4. No Burials to be in new Churches, 10 Ann. e. 11. § 31. for other Matters, fee UHfiDabit 3. CoaCljeS 1 1, likgt'flcr 1, (3 c. 'Burning. 1. Eurning Houfes in Purfuance of incendiary Letters made High Treafon, 8 H. 6. c. 6. 2. Wilful burning of Houfes where oufted of Clergy, 23 EI. 8. c. I. §3. 3. Burning loaded Carts or Wood Piles, to be punifhed with treble Damages and 10/. Fine, 37ft 8. c. 6. § 4. 4. Penalty of burning Heath, (3c. in Sherwood Foreft, 5 Ann. c. 14. §5. 5. The Hundred where anfwerable for the burning Houfes, tiff. 9 Geo. 1. r. 22. § 7. 6. Burning of Houfes, Coal Mines^ car. excepted out of the ge- neral Pardon, 20 Geo. 2. r. 52. § 12, 24. for other Matters, fee IBjOOttt <W ^ft!t?C 2, 3. JFelOttt'eS toritrjout Clergy. Title SHceeffart?. felonies toitrj ant> tot'trjout Clergy, Tale HButrnmg, JFire 5. patches 30. J^ojt^umbertant) 11. S&urnfoff ilX tfje f ailtl. See Clergy. •BtirpOtf. Cables how made there, 21 H.%. e. 12. / Bt!ucMounef& A Duty of Excife granted to the Town, 17 Geo. 2. e. 21. iBmy St QftimtmB. For erefting Workhoufes and paving the Streets there, 21 Geo. 2. <■. 21. Vol. IX. Tab. 25UfljClg» See Meafures and Weights. 25utcljetg. 1. Butchers felling unwholefome Meat to be punilhed, Orditi. pro- Piftor. incerti temp. e. 7. Vol, 1. 187. 2. Shall not kill Beafts in any Walled Town, or in Cambridge, 4 H. 7. c . 3. ; 3. Shall not kill Calves between the firft of January and the firir. of May, 21 H. 8. r. 8. 4. Prohibited to keep Tan-houfes, 22 H. 8. c. 6. 5. Butchers Meat to be fold by the Pound, and the Prices limited, 24//. 8.c. 3. 2;#. 8. c. 1. 27 fY. 8. r. 9. 6. May be fold by Weight or otherwife, 33 H. S. c. 1 I, 7. Butchers not to fpoil Hides, 1 Ja. 1. r. 22. § 2. 8- Not to kill Calves under five Weeks old, 1 Ja. 1. c. 22. § 3.' 9. Shall not fell live fat Cattle, 3 (3 ^Ed. 6. c. 19. § 3. 15 Car. 2. r. 8. 10. Within 10 Miles of London not to fell fat Cattle alive or dead " to one another, 5 Ann. c. 34. § 2. 1 1. May fell dead Calves or Sheep, 7 Ann. c. 6. 1 2. Penalty on gafhing Hides, 9 Ann. c. . §11. For a/fer Matters, fee Cattle, Canterbury 1. JFojeCaU lets, l|olt'Dat?s 14. JUatrjer, banner 7. ®t8uals. 'BufleraBe* 1. The King's Butlerfhall take his Prifage by the View of good Men who fhall atteft it, Stat, of Eftreats, 16 Ed. 2. 43 Ed. 3. 2. The Penalty of his exceeding, 25 Ed. 3.7?. 5. c. 21. 3. Perfbns inhabiting Cinque Ports, and others free of Priface and Butlerage, not to cuftom the Wines of others, 1 H. 8. c. 5. §6. 4. The Prifage of Wines fhall not be charged with the Payment . of any Cuftom impofed by 12 Car. 2. c. 4. § 15. Ear other Matters, fee CuftOIHS, GKilieg. 'Butter mt$ arijeefc* 1. May be exported to any Place, 3 H. 6. c. 4. 18 H. 6. c. 3. 2. The Weight of a Wey of Cheefe, 9 tf. 6. c. 8. 3. Againft regrating them, 3 y 4 ZW. 6. c. 21. 5 W 6 ■£</. 6. c. 14. Reftrained to London, (3c. by 21 ^. 1. f. 22. 4. Butter and Cheefe not to be exported without Licence, 1 (3 2 P.t3M.c.$. § 1, 2. 5. Buyers and tranfporters of Butter and Cheefe how to be li- cenfed, 5 El. c. 12. 13 El. c. 25. § 20. 6. The Juftices of Peace may reftrain the Buyers of Butter and Cheefe in any County, 21 Ja. 1. c. 22. 7. Provifions to prevent Frauds in the weighing and packing of Butter, 1 3 (3 14 Car. 2. c. 26. 4 W. 13 M. c. 7. 8. Foreign Butter, Cheefe, (3c. not to be imported, 32 Car. 2. c. 2. § g. 9. Regulations of weighing Butter and Cheefe, and (hipping them for London, 4.W.& M. c.j. 10. Regulations for weighing and packing Butter in New Malton, in Yorkjhire, 17 Geo. 2. c. 8. For other Matters, fee Cattle 1 7, 3flvclanH 60. $?C| fe 1 1 . 'Buttons 1. Foreign Hair Buttons prohibited, 13 13 14 Car. 2. c. 13. § 2. 4 JT. (3 M. c. 10. 2. Hair Buttons imported to what Duties liable, 4 W. 13 M. c. 5. 3. Buttons and Button Holes made of Cloth, (3c. prohibited, 10 W. 3. c. 2. %Ann.c.6. ^.Geo.l.c.y. j Geo. 1. ft. 1. c. 12. I3uperg of Mm D 0, See AcceiTary. Suffngr,