Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/314

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Cfjeffet. n. Fines may be levied in the City and County Palatine, 2 & 3 Ed. 6. c. 28. 43 JJ/. r. 1 5 . And reverfed for Error before the Chief Juftice, ibid. § 6. 1 2. Recognizances may be acknowledged before the Mayor of Cliefter, 2 t5f 3 2W. 6. c. 3 1 . 13. The Widows and Children of Citizens of Chefter, to be pro- vided for according to the Cuftom, 4 W. & M. c. z. 14. Provifions for the Election of Knights, &c. in Chefter, 10 Az». c. 23. §7. 15. Where Plaintiff may enter Defendant's Appearance, 6 Gw. 2. c. 14. § I. 16. When Defendant to appear on Writs returnable in the Vaca- tion, 22 Geo. 2. c. 46. §35. 17. Where fpecial Bail required and Bail-Bond affignable, ibid. 18. Mayor, &c. when to be elefted, 26 Gra. 2. f. 34. $ 4. .19. Oath to be taken by Sheriff, &c. 3 Geo. 1. c. 1 c* § 18, 19. iV ^e Regulation of Silver in Chefter, fee 'JIBjtflQl. For other Matters, fee COUtlttCS palatine, <©0l& 34, C5V. Enrolment, lUneafter, #ojtwavieg 6. ffiHaleg, a. How paved, 18 El. c. 19. z. The Water to be brought thither, 27 El. c. 22. )imme& What Duties -payable 'for fmall and large Backs for Chimnies, 2W.&} M.feff. 2. c. 4. § 19, 20. -Cfjina atiH 3lapan SKfaiTS, 1. To what Duties liable, 3^4 ^kh. <t. 4. § 8. 2„ Duties how to be afcertained, 3 ^4 Ann. c. 4. § 9. 3. And repaid on Exportation, 3 cif 4 ^«». c. 4. § 12. 7 G«c. 1. _/?. 1 . c. 2 1 . § 1 o. .For other Matters, fee <Eaft=3Int)ta COIHJJaU}?, W illlOl'a ©QOtSlS. Cfjirograp!j€L% 1. His Fees, .13 Ed. .ft. 1. c. 44. 46. JV. 3./*/. 342, 2 #. 4. r. 8.

2. 'Chirographer mail write a Table of the Contents of every Fine,

to be fet up in the Common Pleas and at the Affizes, 23 El, For other Matters, fee Jf tltCS. Cfiirurgeoit^ See Phyficians. C&OtOlate, See Coffee. C&tfffetifaffSf. See Births.] (St.) ClJll'CfOpijej;^ See Nevis. ■j. The Church of England fliall be free, M. C. 9 H. 3. <■. 1. 5° jSV. 3. r. 1. 2. Fairs and Markets fliall not be kept in Church-yards, St.Wint. 1% Ed. 1. ft. 2. c. 6. 3. Great Charters to be read in Cathedral Churches, 25 £y. 1. '; 3- 4.«Trees in Church-yards .(hall not be cut down unlefs for the Repair of the Chancel or of the Church, 5/. Ne Reilor profter- nat, &c. 3,5 Ed. i.ft. 2. 5. Thofe who abjure the Realm, protefled while in the Church or Highway, Art. Cler. 9 Ed. 2. ft. 1. c. 10. 6„ The King fliall not unduly requeft Corrodies or Penfions, ■1 Ed. 3.7?. 2. c, to. 7. The Church of England founded in Ertate of Pre!acy,"25 Ed. 3. ft. 6. 3. The Punifhment for quarrelling and fighting in Churches and Church yards, 5 y 9 Ed. 6. *. 4. g. Such Ornaments (hall b,e in Churches as in the fecond Year of King Edward 6. I El. r. 2. § 2;. 10. Coftimiflioners for the Union retrained from treating of Al- . terations in the Church, 3(^4 Ann. c. 7. § 12. 1 1. Security of the Church with refpeft to the Union, i; Ann. c. 5, 12. Burglary and Robbery of Churches excepted out of the ge- neral Pardon, 20 Geo. 2. c. 52. § 16. 13. Liberties of the Church confirmed, 14 Ed. 3. ft. 1. c. 1. zH...c.. 1 W. cif M. If. 2. f. 2. iw s.'for Matters, fe burials 2. Clergp, <£eclcfiaCh'cal f->etfcms> ^. 45olt> ant) &ilber, Jceiana, &mg, %i= fcetties, fl^Oftmattt, jftciriconfojmiftg, fMague,, §bzx= Mitt Cities, ©tear, flUm'oit of Chutes, tllniber= Cities, f>o?fc, 1. For making the Church of Whitegate in Chejhire a diftin&Pa- rifh, and appointing a Vicar there, 33 Z7. 8. c. 32. 2. For building a Church at Melcofnbe Regis, i Ja. i. r, 30. 3. The Church of Convent Garden made parochial, 12 Car. 2. f. 37. 4. For building St. Paul's, 22 Car. 2. c. II. §61. ija.z. c.l$. 8W.-3. r. 14. Additional Duties for carrying it on, 1 Ann.; ft. 2. c. 12. Declared to be finiflied, g Ann. c. 22. §9. 5. For building the Church of St. Ann Weftminfter, 1 J a. 2. <-. 20. 6. Of St. ^aw^j Weftminfter, 1 Ja. 2. r. 22. Enlarging the Church-yard, 20 G«j. 2. r. 29. 7. For repairing Weftminfter Abbey and finiflling Greenwich Hof- ' ' pital, 8 cif 9 0^. 3. <•. 14. 9 yf«K. c. 22. § 2. 10 Ah. c. ii. § 32. 6 Gto. 2. c. zr,. § zo. 8. The Statutes of Cathedral and Collegiate Churches afcertained,, 6 ^hh. <:. 2 r . 9. SubjedT: to Revocation, 6 Ann. c. 21. § 3. 10. For building 50 Churches about London, 9 Ann. c. zz. 10, Ann. c. 11. 1 G?o. 1. r. 23. 5 Gra. 1. f. 9. 1 1. Provifion for poor Churches in the Weft Riding of fork/hire, by the Inclofure of Commons, 12 Ann. ft. 1. c. 4. 12. For building St. Mary Woolnoth, 10 Ann. c, u. §33. 1; Geo. I. c 23. § 5. 13. For building St. Mary le Strand, z Ann. ft. I. c. 17. 12. Geo'. 1. c 39. 14. For finiflling the Tower of St. Michael's Cornhillm London, 4 Geou, 1. c. 5. 15. For St. Georges Chapel in Yarmouth, 7 Geo. 1, r. 11. 16. Provifion for the Curate of St. Catherine Cree Church Lon- don, 13 Geo. I. r. 35. 17. Provifion for the Reftor of the Church at Millbank in St. Margaret's Weftminfter, 1 Geo. 2. r. 15. 18. For the Reftor of Spit al Fields, 2 Geo. 2. r. 10. 19. Trinity Chapel in Leeds made a perpetual Cure, 2 G«>. z, c. 16. zo. The King may vifit the Collegiate Church of Manchefter when the Wardenfhip is held by the Bilhop of Chefter, z Gee, 2. c. 29. 21. Wafping Stepney made a diftincY Parifh, 2 Geo. 2. r. 30. - 22. Provifion for the Minifter of Stratford Bcw, 3 Geo. 2. c. 3. 23. Limehoufc made a diftinft Parifli, 3 Geo. 2. c. 17. 24. Provifion for the Minifter of Bioomjbury, and for rebuilding S". Giles in the Fields, 3 Geo. 2. c. 19. 25. For (he Minifter of the new Church at Deptford, 3 Geo. 2. <■• 33- 26. For rebuilding the Church of Grauefend, 4 Geo, 2. <-. 20. 27. For rebuilding Woolwich Church, 5 G«j. 2. c. 4. 12 Gso. 2. c. 9. 28. For rebuilding St. George's in Southward, 6 G«a. z. r, 8. 29. For the Maintenance of the Minifter of Horjleydown, 6 Geo. 2, <:. If. 30. For