Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/316

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Cletjj^ Cletfe of tfje Ctotmt* Cletk of ttje Peace* levied on their efcaping out of Prifon, 31 Ed. 3.7?. 1. c. 14. 23 #. 8. r. 11. 10. The Words infidiatores <viarum 1$ depopulatores agrorum (hall not be put in Indictments to deprive Clerks of their Privilege, 4 H. 4. c. 2. 1 1 . A Clerk conviCt of Treafon not touching the King's Majefty, or a common Thief, being delivered to the Ordinary, (hall be punilhed, and not make Purgation, 4 H. 4. c. 3. 23 H. 8. c. 11, 12. Perfons not in Orders (hall have Clergy but once, 4 //. 7. c 13. 13. Perfons allowed Clergy and not in Holy Orders (hall be burnt in the Hand, 4 H, 7. c. 13. 5 Ann. c. 6. .14. Clergy taken away from thofe that commit Murder or Fe- lony in Churches, Highways, &c. 4 H. 8. c. 2. 23 H. 8. c. 1. 25 H. 8. r. 3. 1;. The Ordinaries authorized to degrade Clerks guilty of Fe- ionies, 23 H. 8, c. 1. § 6. 23 H. 8. c. 1 1. 16. It (hall be Felony for a Clerk conviCt to break the Prifon of the Ordinary, 23 H. 8. c. 1 1. 17. Clergy not allowed in certain Felonies, fuch as Murder, robbing of Churches, c5V. but to Perfons in Orders, 23 H. 8. c i. § 3- t8. Thofe that are indicted of Offences for which the Benefit of Clergy is not to be allowed, (hall not have their Clergy if they Hand mute, csV. 25 H. 8. c, 3. 5 cff 6 Ed. 3. c. 16. 19. Perfons convict of dealing Goods in one County which they took by Robbery, &c. in another County, not to have Clergy, 25//. 8. c. 3. 28 H. 8. <-. 1. ,20. Thofe who are in Holy Orders to be ordered as other Clerks, 28 ff. 8. c. 1. §7. 32 #.'8. c. "3. §8. 21. Clerks of the Peace, tifc. fhall certify fhort Tranfcripts of the Convictions of Felons to the Clerk of the Crown in the King's Bench, who lhall certify them to other Juftices, 34 cif 35 H. 8. c. 14. Or to the Judges in another County, 3 W. & M. c. 9. §7- . 22. A Lord- of Parliament fhall have Clergy without burning, and tho' he cannot read, 1 Ed. 6. c. 12. § 14. 23. Bigamus (hall be allowed his Clergy, 1 Ed, 6. c. 12. § 16. 24. A Clerk detivered to the Ordinary may be arraigned for a former Offence, 8 El. c. 4. § 4. 25. A Clerk convict fhall not be delivered to the Ordinary, but after burning in the Hand fhall be difcharged, 1 8 EL c. 7. § z. unlefs the Juftices think fit to detain him, § 3. 26. He that is allowed his Clergy fhall anfwer to other Felonies, 1 8 EI. c. 7,"§. 5> 27. Where a Man fhould have his Clergy, a Woman fhall be burnt in the Hand, and be farther punilhed by Imprifonment, Whipping, Stocking, &c. 21 Ja. 1. c. 6. 3 W. & M. c, 9. §6. 28. Offenders dealing Cloth from the Rack, or imbezilling King's Stores, may be tranfported, 22 Car, 2. c, 5. § 4. 29. Women fhall have the Benefit of the Statute but once, 4 eff 5 W. & M. c. 24. § 13. 30. Felons to have the Benefit of the Statute without reading, 5 Ann. c. 6. § 4. For other Matters, fee %p^ZXtiCZQ 40. HBurillttOf, Cl)al= lenge 10. Clerk of the Crottm 4. felons, jftojthz mnberlantj 14, j&ljifs, jS&tabbmg, Cranfpojtatioit ; fiatosneit. ClerrjpUlCn, See Ecclefiaftical Courts. Cletfc of ^ffife* 1. Clerk of Affife fhall not be of Council in the Circuit, 33 H. 8. c 24. § 6. 2. To certify the Names of Felons conviCt to the King's Bench, 34 t5f 3; H. 8, r. 14. 3 ^. cif M. c. 9. § 7. 3. How punilhed for concealing, cifr. an Indictment Recogni- fance, Fine or forfeiture, 22^23 Car. 2. <-. 22. §9. 3 Geo. 1. c. 15. §,iz, 4. Where to take but 2 /. for drawing a Bill of Indictment, 10 & II W; %,'t. *3..§ 7. c. And nothing at all where the firft is defective, 10 cif 1 1 £T. 3. c 23 §8. 6. Finable for falfly recording Appearances of Perfons returned upon a Jury, 3 Geo. 2. c. 25. § 3. /tfr o/Zw Matters, fee Jlurieg. €ferfe of tlje Croftm. 1. Shall take but is, for entering the Plea of feveral Defendants, and for the venire, zH.^.c. 10. 2. Shall certify the Names of Convicts to Juftices of Gaol Deli- Very or of the Peace, 34 eff 35 H. 8. c. 14. § 4. 3. Shall receive the Certificates of Clerks of Affile, &c. without Fee, Ibid. § 2. 4. Certificate of Clerk of the Crown, and of the Peace, &c. of the Allowance of Clergy, Evidence, i l W.& M, c. 9. §7.

. How to inrol Grants of Felons Goods, Deodanda and Forfei-

tures, .4 & 5 W. 13 M. c. 22. For other Matters, fee 31 llf Jlltatf Oil, parliament 44. Cletfcg Of t&e Cfjattrerp. See Chancery. <&%K$ Of t&e Ciroi'ttS. See Effoins. Qnierftg Of ti)Z €UXsm- See Eftreats. <2Dfetft of tlje 31tttll&meitt0. See Indiaments. Clerfc Of t&e 33U0ffment<S. . See Judgments. dlerfe of t&e ^avitt 1. In what Manner he fhall deliver his Eftreats, 16 Ed. 2. § 9. 2. To do his Duty as ufual, l^Ed. 3«_/?. 1. c. 12. § 2. 16 &*>■. 1. c 19. § 3. 3. Duty of the Clerk of the Market of the King's Houfe, 13 R. 2. Jr. 1. c. 4. 4. To- have all his Meafures and Weight of Bra-fs according to the Standard of the Exchequer, 16 R. 2. c. 3. 5. King's Clerk of the Market may exercife his Office wherever . the King refides, 32 H. 8. c. 20, § 7. 6. And within the Verge, 32 H. 8. c. 20. § 7. 16 Car. 1. c, 19, §3- 7. Penalties on Clerks of the Market allowing any other Weights, &c. than according to the Exchequer Standard, or refufing to feal them, 16 Car. 1, c. 19. § 4. 22 Car, 2. c, 8. § 4. 8. Or taking unufual Fees, 16 Car. 1, c, 19. § 5. 22 Car. 2. c. 8. §4. 9. Or not duly delivering Eftreats and Duplicates, 22^23 Car, 2. c. 22. $ 7, 8. 3 Gto. 1. <■. 1;. § 12. 5« 3Irelanr>, C&teigljts ant) ^eafutes, Cletfc of t&e Peace. 1. Shall be appointed by the Cuftos Rotulorum, 37 H. 8. c, l. 5 3. I W. & M./r. 1. r. 21. § 5. 2. Penalty on his not duly delivering Eftreats to the Sheriff and Duplicates into the Exchequer, 22 b" 23 Car. 2. c. 22. § 7, 8. 3 Geo. i.e. 15. § 12. 3. Prefentments of Recufants to be recorded by him, 3^. 1. c. 4. § 5. Penalty on Default, ibid. 4. May be difcharged by the Juftices, I W.-& M. c.2.% 6.

. Penalty of felling the Place, 1 W. & M. c. 21. § 8.

6. The Oath of the Clerk of the Peace, 1 W. cjf M. c, 21. § 9. 7. To