Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/364

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&!affr ®mt#. 6o!5 nnti 0>noer«  tfcnnanp* See Cuftoms. Not to be ufed for making of Cloth, 5^6 Ed, 6. c. 22. «5flWl1ff. See Gold. <Dll1ffCr. See Spicery. May make their Girdles with white Metal, 15 R. z.-c'i II. d&lamoiffani&ite. Commiffioners of Sewers there, 1 Ma.fejf. 3. c. 11. 1. A Duty of Excife granted to the Town, 1 Geo. I. c. 44. Gfo. 2. r. 31. 28 GVo. 2. r. 29. 2. Damage in a Riot there to be made good, 12 Geo. 1. c.zj. 6-&7 j. To what Duties liable, 2 W.&M.ftJf. 2. r. 4. § 34, JF. 3. c 18. 7 y 8 W. 3. r. 31. § 5 ! - 2. The Duty upon Earthen Ware, and half the Duty upon Glafs taken away, 9^10^. 3. e. 45. 3. The remaining Duty on Glafs taken away, 10^11^.3. c. 18. 4. A Duty of Excife upon Glafs, 19 G«>. 2. c. iz. c. No foreign Glafs to be imported into Ireland, 19 Geo. 2. r. 12. § 19. 6. Penalty of exporting Glafs from Ireland, 19 Gw. 2. r. 12. § 21. 7. Duty on Exportation, &<■. 19 G«. 2. r. 12. § 16. 13/eouent. For other Matter, fee 30catl6, <S5lebe*2Untl£. See Vicar. dMenliofoer. Several Reftraints and Difabilities laid on the Welfh of the Party of Otven Glendoiver, 4 H. 4. c, .26, &c. 1. The Statute of Gkucefter and its Expofition, 6 Ed. .ft, 1, y z . 1. The Cuftom that the Lands of Felons (hall be reftored to the Heir after one Year and a Day. 17 Ed. 2, ft. 1. c. 16. 3. For rebuilding the Town, Z7 H. 8. c. 1. 4. The Poor in G'loucefterfhire provided for, 1 3 G«o. I . c . 1 9. 5. For fupplying the City with Water, 14 Geo. 2. c. 11. 6. For enlarging the Streets and Marketplaces, 23 Geo. 2. e. 15. Frames for knitting of Gloves not to be exported, j & 2 W, 3. ■c. 26. § 8. boat's $afr. To what Duties liable, 4 JT. y AT. r. 5. €)oUalmfng in Surtep* Its Inhabitants may ufe Trades and take Apprentices in the fame Manner as thofe of Market-Towns, 5 .£/. c. 4. § 44. <S5om anto ©tifcet', ann ®QMmify$> 1. Goldfmiths fhall make their Work of due Standard, and (hall be ordered as the Goldfmiths of London, Artie, fuper Chart, 28 Ed. . c. 20. 2. Gold and Silver fhall not be carried out of the Realm, 9 Ed. 3. ft.2.c.. 38 Ed. t,. ft. 1. f. 2. 5 J?. 2./?. 1. r. 2. 2H.6. c.b. 17 £^. 4. c. 1. 4H. 7. f. 23. 3 /£ 8. r. 1. 3. Goldfmiths Work fhall be effayed and marked; 37 Ed. 3. c. 7. 2 //. 6. <■. 14. 17 £«/. 4. c. 1. 4. None that make white Plate fhall gild, 37 Ed. 3. <r. 7. 5. Exchanges of Money out of the Realm not to be made with- out, the King's Licence, 5 R. 2. ft. 1. c. 2. 6. Multiplication of Gold and Silver, Felony, 5 H. 4. <-, 4. Re- pealed, 1 W. y AT. c. 30. 7. Gilding or filvering Copper or Laton prohibited, 5 H. 4; c. 13. 8. Silver gilt fhall be good Allay, and fhall be fold at 46 s. 8d. the Pound Troy, 2 H.$.Ji. 2. c. 4. 9. No Metal fhall be gilt but Silver, &c. nor any Thing filvered but Knights Spurs, &c. 8 H.'ij. c. 3. 17&4. f. 1. 10. The Price of Silver limited, for the Encreafe of Money, 2 H. 6. r. 13. 11. Silver Plate fhall be as fine as the Sterling, 2 H. 6. c. 14. 12. The Goldfmiths of London to have the Rule and Search of all Goldfmiths within two Miles of their City, 17 Ed. 4. c. 1. 13. Foreign Goldfmiths fhall dwell in open Streets in the City, 1 7 Ed. 4. c . 1 . 14. Refiners fhall fell to none but Officers of the Mint and Gold- fmiths, 4.H. y.c. 2. 15. Shall fell no Silver into Mafs molten and allayed, 4.H.7. c. 2. 16. Silver fhall bear 12 Penny Weight Allay in a Pound, $H. 7. c. 2. . 17. Deceit in Gold Lace of Venice, Florence or Genoa prohibited, 4 H. 7. c. 22. 18. Gold or Silver not to be paid to Foreigners, 4 H. 7. c. 23. ig. Goldfmiths fhall mark their Work, and keep the Standard, iSEl. c. 15. 20. Foreign Coin and Bullion may be exported free, 15 Car. 2. r. 7. § 12- a 1. Gold and Silver extracted from Metals to be fent to the Mint, 1 W.&M.fl. 1. c 30. §3. 22. Penalty of cafting Ingots like the Sfanifh, 6cif 7 W. 3. c. 17. §3- 23. Officers of Cuftoms may feize Bullion if fhipped unftamped, . 6 y 7 W. 3. c. 17. § 6.' 24. Penalty on Broker felling Bullion, not being a trading Gold- fmith, ihc. 6 y 7 W. 3. c. 17. § 7. 25. Wardens of the Goldfmiths may fearch for Bullion, c5?r. 6 eff 7^.3'. f. 17. § 8. . 26. If Offender cannot prove Bullion to be lawful Silver, by the Oath of one Witnefs, he fhall be found guilty, 6 y 7 W. 3. c. 17. §8. 27. Bullion muft be flamped at Goldfmiths Hall before Exporta- tion, 6 y 7 w. 3. r. 17. § 5. 7 y 8 j/ 7 ". 3. r. 19. § 6. 28. Publick Houfes prohibited to ufe Plate, 7 y 8 W. 3. r. 19. §3- 29. Bullion not to be exported without Certificate, 7 y 8 W. 3. c. 19. § 6. 30. The new Standard of Silver eftablifhed, 8 W. 3. c. 8. § 9. 31. Silver Manufactures may be exported, 9 y io#"'. 3. r. 28. 32. The Proportion of Gold in gilt Wire, and the Goodnefs of Gold and Silver Thread regulated, 9 y 10 W. 3. c. 39. 33. Deceits in Gold and Silver Thread prohibited, 9 y 10 W, 3. c. 39. 1 1. <•. 17. 15 Geo. 2. r. 20. 34. Afiayers of wrought Plate to be appointed in York, .Exeter, Bri/lol, Chefter and Norwich, 12 13 13 W. 3. c 4. And at Ncwcafile, 1 Ann./. 1. e.g. 35. A Duty