Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/368

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^adjottts; $ata. $attrfterjs2 6. For the Repair of Burlington Pier, 8 & 9 W. 3. f. 29. -5 G«>. 1. c 10. z6 Gfj. z. f. 10. 7. Nunances from the Tin-Works to the Harbours in Devm/hire and "imiuiill prohibited, 23 //. 8. c. 10. 27 #. 8. c. "83. 8. A Duty on Sh ps for the Repair of Dover Haven, 23 ■'£/. r. 6. 31 El. c. 13. 35 £/. e. 7. § 28. 43 El. c. 9. § 3;. Ja. 1. c. 32. 13 fcf H Car. 2. r. 27. 11 y 12 AT. 3. <•. 5. ■ ztf 3 ^?n«. c 7. 9 Sfo. I. r. 30. 10 Geo. 1. f. 7. M Geo. 2. c.J. a. For repairing the Harbour of Ellenfoot, 22 Geo. z. c. 6. 29 Geo. 2. f, 57. 10. For repairing the Pier of Ilfirdcomhe, 4 Geo. 2. c. 19. <l 1. For improving the Harbour of Leitb, 27 Geo. 2, r.-8. 12. For'the Repair of Lime Harbour, 35 El. c. 7. •§ 29. 13. For making a Bafon at Livcrpoole, 8 ^«». <r. 12. 11 Geo. 2. r. 32. 14. For repairing the Piers of Margate, 11 Geo. 1. c. 3. -ic. For recovering the Harbour of Minehead, 12 ci)' 13 ^.3, f. g. 10 Ann. c. 24. II Geo. 2. f. 8. 16. For repairing Newhwvenm Suffix, Ge0.2. c. 17. 17. For polling down Piles and Filhgarths in the Ouze and Humber, 23 U.S. c. 1S. l3. Par/on Harbour in Cumberland, 4 Ann. c. 18. II Geo. I. c. 16. 5 Gso. 2. c. 13. 19. For preferving the Harbour of Catzuater, near Plymouth, 8 ^/;^ c. 8. .20. For improving the Harbour of Poole, and afcertaining the Harbour Duties there, 29 Geo. 2. c. 10. -Ei. For enlarging Ram/gate Harbour, and repairing Sandwich, 22 Geo. 2. c 40. 32. For the laying of Ballaft at Rye and Winchelfea, 2& 3 Ed. 6. c. 30. 23. For repairing the Harbour of Rye, 7 Geo. 1. e.g. 9 Geo. 1. f. 30. 10 Geo. 1. r. 7. 11 Gw. 2. r. 7. .24. For the Repair of Scarborough Pier, 37 ff. 8. c. 14. 5 Gw. z. r. 1 1. 25 Geo. 2. r. 44. 25. Wears and Engines in the Haven of Southampton may be pulled down, 1 1 H. 7. c. 5. 14 c5* 15 H. 8. c. 13. 26. For Repair of South-wold Harbour, -20 Cm, 2. <:. 14. 30 Geo. 2. c. 58. 27. For improving Sunderland Harbour, lypeo. 1. r. 6. 20 Geo. 2. f. 18. 28. For the Harbour of Watchelt. 7 Geo. 1. <r. 14. 29. For preferving Weymouth Harbour, 22 Geo, 2. c. 22. 30. For the Repair of Whitby Harbour, I 2. c. 19. 7 Geo. I. <:- 16. 8 Gf». 2. r. 10. 23 Geo. 2. c. 39. 31. For improving the Harbour a{Whileba<ven, 13 Geo. 2. c. 14. 32. For repairing of Yarmouth Haven, 22 Car. 2. c. z. Z9 Car. 2. c. 10. l 7«. 2. jr. 16. lW.&M.c.ll. rots' 11^. 3. r. 5. I Ann. fl. 2. c. 7. 9 Geo. 1. f. 10. 20 Geo. z. c. 40. 23 G:0. 2. c 6. i^r or&r Matters, fee IHpaUafl:, Certiorari 30. jjSetocaftle 2. ^ateg. See Game, ©arnefs Plate. To what Duties liable, 2 W & M feff. 2. c. 4. § 27. ^artiel? Cffltojfeers. How far exempted from j El. concerning Labourers, and 13^14 Car. 2. concerning the Removal of poor Perfons, 5 El. c. 4. § 23. 13 te? 14 Car. 2. r. 12. § 3. I)anmcl> Provifions for its Fortifications, 7 ^ot. <-. 26. 8 A». r. 21. ^>at0 nttti Capg. 1. Shall be fulled by Hand and not in a Mill, 22 Ed. 4. r. 5. 2. The Price of them limited, 4 W. 7. r. 9. 3 /V. 8. <r. 1 5. 21 tf. 8. c. 9. 1 M.ft.2. c. 11. 3. Hatters may buy Middle Woof Yarn, 1 Ed. 6. c. 6. § 4. 4. Regulations of the Trade of making Hats, Do..*necks and Co.' verlets in Norfolk, 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c . 24. 5. Engrofling Hats, f°fc. prohibited, 1 M. ft. z. c. 11. 6. Directions for the making of Hats and Caps, 3 tjf 4 £</. 6. <r. 2. § 5. 8 £/. <r. 11. 7. None to make Hats who have not been Apprentices, 8 El. c. 1 1 . § 2. 8. Perfons obliged to wear Woollen Caps on the Sundays made in England, 13 El. c. 19. Repealed, 39 El. c. 18. § 45. 9. Directions for the true making of Hats and Felts, 1 Ja. 1'.. c 17. 10. How many Apprentices a Hatter may take, 7 J a. 1. c. 17. §3- 1 1. No Aliens to be Hatters, I Ja. 1. r. 17. § 4. 12. Hats and Caps may be exported Duty free, 1 1 cif 12 ?^. 3. c. 20. § 1. 13. No Hats or Felts to be exported from the Plantations, 5 Geo. 2. c. 22. 14. Hatters in the Plantations to have but two Apprentices, and not to employ Negroes, q Geo. 2. c. 22. § 7 cif 8. For other Matters, fee ^anufaBhireg, fpatJCllg* See Harbours. jtja&erftijtiiDefL Made a Borough and County, 33 cif 34 H. 8, c. 26. § Hi V3 124. ^atufcecg ana petnar& 1. To be licenced and pay a Duty, 8 l£ 9 W. 3. r. 25-. 9 IS 10 W 7 '. 3. c. 27. 2. Thefe Duties made perpetual, and part of the Aggregate Fund, 3 Ann. c. 4. 7 ^««. c 7. I Geo. I . c. I 2. 3. Penalty of forging Licence, g& 10 W. 3. r. 27. § 5. 4. This Aft not to hinder Perfons felling Goods in Fairs and Markets, g&ioW. 3. c. 27. § 12. 5. Wholefale Traders in the Woollen and Linen Manufactures, not deemed Hawkers, 2 & 3 /^a». c. 4. § 1 4. 6. Penalty on Hawker not having his Licence ready, or lending it, 3^4 Ann. c. 4. § 4. 7. Wholefale Tradersjn Linen and Woollen not to be deemed Hawkers, 3 cif 4 Ann. c. 4. § 1 4. 8. Hawkers of unftamped News-Papers to be fent to the Houfe of Correction, 16 Geo. 2. c. 26. § j. For other Matters, fee l&ontlaCZ 4. '215jano^ 28, 38. (KatllC, ll>afoft!3. 1. He that finds a Hawk fhall deliver it to the Sherift'to be kept, 34J?'/. 3'. -c. '22. z. Stealing a Hawk Felony, 37 &/. 3. c. ig. 3. The taking of Hawks Eggs prohibited, 11 FL j. c. 17. $ El. c. 21. § 3. 4. Taking the King's Hawks or Eggs, made Felony, 31 H.%. c- 12. 5. Taking the Eggs or Birds of Hawks, made Felony, 32 H. 8. c. w. 6. Taking Hawks or their Eggs, to be punifhed by Imprifon- ment, 3 El. c. zi. § 3. 7- Penalty of 40^. on hawking in Handing Corn, 23 El. c. 10. §4. 8., Licences to kill Hawks Meat, 1 J a . c. 27. § 7, 4 Sag.