Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/370

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Wjtoap& ^fff&tuapjf; ways, 2 Jif 3 P. & M. c 8. 5 £/. r. 13. 18 El. c. 10. 29 • El. c 5. 22 Ctf>-. 2. f. 12. 5. Surveyors may take Rubbifh from Quarries, or dig for it, 5 EL c, 13. Made perpetual, 29 £/. r. 5. 6. Who are chargeable to the Highways, 18 El. c. 20. 7. Penalty of not repairing Fences, or of throwing Soil in the Highway, 18 El. c. 20. $5, 7. 8. For repairing the Highways in the Ifle of Sbeppey, 27 El. c 26. 9. The Iron Works charged with certain Repairs of the High- ways in Kenta.n& Si/J/ex, 27 El. e. 19. 39 El. c. 19. 10. For repairing the Highways from King/Ion to Non/ucb, 3 Ja, 1. c. 19, 1 1 . Several Regulations for repairing and enlarging the High- ways, 13 Id Car. 2. c. 6. 7 y 8 W, 3. c. 29. 12. Surveyors laying out a new Way, to have a Writ of ad quod damnum, 13 Ci? 1.4. Car. 2. f. 6. 13. For the Repair of the Highways in the Counties of Hertford, Cambridge and Huntington, 15 Car. 2. r. 1. 16 & 17 Car. 2. f. 10. 4 Af. & iW. c. 9. 5 -Az*. f. II. 6 G«?. I. r. 20. 6 Gf». 2. r. 24. 14. Penalty on Negleft of Conftables and Surveyors, 22 Car. 2. c 12. 15: -Lands given for the Repairs of Highway and Bridges, (hall be let at the improved Rent, 22 Car. 2. c. 12. § 2. 16. Waggons, fifri restrained to five Horfes at length, 22 Car. 2. c. 12. § 6. 30 Car. 2. r. 5. to eight Horfes, 1 & % W, 3. r. 29. § 3. to fix Horfes, 6 Ann, c. 29. 9 ^»». c. 18. 17. Where Carts not of Ufe, Horfes to be fent, 22 Car, 2. e. 12. §8. 18. Surveyors to be appointed by Juflices, 3 W. & M. c. 12. 19. Penalty on laying Nuifance in the Highway, 3 W. & M. r. 12. § 4. 20. On not flubbing Trees or pruning Hedges, 3 W, & M. c. 12. § 6. 2 1 . Rates to be made for Repair of the Highways, ^W.l£ M, c. 12. § 17, 22. Penalties to be paid to the Surveyors, 7 W. 3. c. 29. 23. Fifty Pounds a Year to be deemed a Plow Land, 7 W. 3. c. 29. §5. 24. Power given to the Juflices to enlarge Highways, 8 TV. 3. c. 16. 25. An Appeal given to the Juflices on the Execution of an Ad quod damnum, 8^9 W. 3. c. 16. § 6. 26. Directions for repairing the Highways within the Bills of Mortality, 8 fcf 9 W. 3. <r. 37. 27. For Repair of the Highways .in. Gloucejierjfyire, g& oW, 3. <:. 18. 28. Preferments for not repairing Bridges and Highways, not to be removed by Certiorari, 1 Ann. ft. 1. c. 18. § ;. 29. For repairing the Highways from Tbornivood Common to Woodford in jE^fc*. 1 <^«». y?. 2. c, 10. 30. Any one may feize the Horfes of Perfons drawing with more than fix, 9 Ann. c, 18. §1. 31. Reflraints of the Number of Horfes in Waggons, 1 Geo, 1. t. 11, 5 G*o. 1, r. 12. 14 Gfo. 2. c 42. § 6. 15 G^a. 2. c. 2. 32. Carriages with threfhed Corn or Coal not excepted, 1 Geo 1. C, II. % 2. 33. Several Powers given to Juflices of Peace for amending the Highways, 1 Geo, ?. c. 52. 9 Geo. 2. r. 18. § 3. 34. Surveyors to give Account of Highways every four Months, I Geo. I. c. 52. § 2. 31;. For amending the Highways in Scotland, 5 Geo. I. c. 30. 36. What Loads of Meal, Malt, Bricks or Coals may be carried near London, 6 Geo. 1. c. 6. 37, Deftroying Turnpikes erected by Authority of Parliament, to be puniihed by the Houfe of Correction and whipping, 1 Geo. z. c. 19. Made Felony and Tranlportalian, 5 Ge 2. c. 33. Felony without Clergy, 8 C«. 2. r. 20. 27 G*e. 2. f. 1 6. 38. Where Cofts to be paid out of Tolls, 5 Geo, 2. r. 33. § 3. 26 Geo. 2. f. 30. § 21. , 39. Juflices to remove illegal Turnpikes, 5 Geo. 2. c. 33. § 4. 40. Sheriffs to remove unlawful Gates, 5 Geo. 2. c. 33. § 4. 41. Juflices may order Hedges to be cut which annoy the High- ways, 7 Geo, 2. c. 9. 42. Pardon for difcovering Offenders, 8 Geo, 2. c. 20. § 5, 43. Hundred to anfwer Damages done to Turnpikes, &e. 8 Gee. 2, < 20. § 6. 44. Penalty on infulting Collectors of Toll, 8 Geo. 2. e, 20. §11. 45. Claufe in 1 G^. 1. c. 52. empowering Juflices to make AC- feflments in Cities, extended to Market Towns, g Geo, 2. c. 18. 46. A Toll of 20 s. for every hundred Weight above 60 impofed on Waggons palling Turnpike Roads, n Geo, 2. c. 42. 21 G«. 2. r. 28. 47. The A<St 14 Geo, 2. e, 42. in part repealed, 1 5 G«. 2. r. 2. 48. Carts may be drawn by four Horfes, 16 Geo. 2. c. 29. by three Horfes, 18 Gfo. 2. c. 33. 49. Offences concerning Highways and Bridges excepted out of general Pardon, 20 Geo. 2. c. 52. § 31. 50. Penalty of unloading Goods to evade the Fine, 21 Geo. 2. c. 28. § 2. 51. Owner's Name to be fet on Waggons, 21 Geo. 2. c. 28. $ 4. 26 G«. 2. f. 30. § 15. 52. A Duty of 20 s, on Carriages pafling a Turnpike with fix Horfes, 24 Geo. 2. c. 43. 53. Penalty of taking off Horfes, or of turning out of the Road to avoid the Tolls, 24 Geo, 2. c, 43. § 2, 3, 4. 54. Gravel Pits, &c. to be fenced, and afterwards filled up, 26 Geo. 2. c. 28. 55. Fellies of Waggon Wheels on Turnpike Roads to be nine Inches broad, 26 Geo, 2. c. 30. and may be drawn by eight Horfes, § 4. Except Waggons drawn by lefs than five Horfes, § 3-. 56. Victuallers made incapable of any Office of Profit relating to the Turnpikes, 26 Geo. 2. c, 30. § 20. 57. Carriages with nine Inch Wheels exempted from paying Tolls for three Years, 28 Geo, 2. c. 17. Shall pay half Tolls within 100 Miles of London for feven Years, 30 Geo. 2. c, 28. § 5-

8. Sole of the Fellies to be nine Inches broad, and flat, 28

Geo. 2. c. 17. § 5. 59. Waggons with Wheels fix Inches broad, may be drawn by fix Horfes, and fhall pay reduced Tolls, 28 Geo. 2. e, 17. § 2. Repealed, 30 Geo. 2. c, 28. § 10. 60. Truftees for Turnpikes may raife the Tolls on Carriages with narrow Wheels, one Fourth, 28 Geo. 2. c. 17. § 3. one Half for feven Years, with Exceptions, 30 Geo. 2. c. 28. § 1, 2, 3. 61. Road Ads continued five Years from their refpeftive Expira- tions, 28 Geo. 2. c. 17. $ 4. 62. The Words Common StagelVaggon to be painted on the Tilt, 28 Geo. 2. c. 17. § 14, 63. Five Pounds Penalty on unloading Waggons to avoid the Payment of Tolls, 28 Geo. 2. c.j. § 7. 64. Narrow wheeled Carriages to be weighed, 28 Geo. 2. c, 17, § 7. only when loaded, 30 Geo. 2, c. 28. § 14. 65. Waggons with narrow Wheels, not Stage Waggons, may be drawn by five Horfes, &c. z8 Gee. 2. c. 17. §"8. Repealed, 30 Geo, 2. c, 28. § 10. 66. Truftees for Turnpikes to have Lands of 40/. per Ann, 2% Geo. 2. c 17. § 13. 67. No Carriage to be exempt from Tolls, or pay reduced Tolls, unlefs the Wheels are nine Inches broad, 30 Ge-. 2. c. 28. § 4. 68. Broad wheeled Carriages to be drawn by Horfes in Pairs, 30 Geo, 2. c. 28. § 6. narrow wheeled Carriages by Horfes at Length, ibid. § 7. 69, No