Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/374

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3fefot& 3(eofafl$N 3!&foW nnti lunatfcfcs. j. Idiocy to be judged of by the Juftices, on Fine levied i^ Ed. 2. 2. The King's Prerogative as to the Cuftody of the Lands of Idi- ots, 17 Ed. 2. ft. 1. f, 9. 3. And providing for Lunaticks, 17 £V. 2. ft. 1. f. 10. 4. Punifhmentof Lunaticks for High Treafon, 33 /V. 8. r. 20. 5. Dangerous Madmen to be confined by Juftices of Peace, 12 Ann. ft. 2. <-. 23. § 22. 17 Geo. 2. r. 5. § 20. 6. Idiots and Lunaticks, or their Committees, by Direction of Chancellor, enabled to convey Truft-EHates and Mortgages, 4 Geo. 2. c. 10. 7. Marriage of Lunaticks prohibited, 15 Geo. 2. <r. 30. 3!eWbur&&* A Duty of two Penies Scots upon Ale there, 7 Geo. 1. c. 25. 3!eoftu'l£. 1. £>ai cadit a/yllahd cadit a tota caufa, the Rule cenfured, St. It' all. I 2 Ed. 1 . ;'» Appen.rix. 2. No Man mail lofe by the old Forms of pleading, 36 Ed. 3. ft. I. IT. I5. 3. No Judgment to be reverfed for Rafures or Interlineations, 8 H. 6. <•. 12. § 1. 4. What Mifpleadings, C5V. mall be aided by VerdicT:, '32 H. 8. r. 30. § 1. i8£/.c. 14. 21 Ja. i.e. 13. 5. After Demurrer joined Judgment fhall not be flayed or reverf- ed for Matter of Form, 27 El. c. 5. 4 Ann. c. 16. § 1. 6. But exempting certain criminal Cafes, 1$ El. c. 14. § 2. 27 £/. c. 5. §, 3. 21 Jac. I. <r. 13. §3. 16 Cif 17 Car. 2. c. 8. § 2. 4 J^»». f. 16. § 7. 5 Geo. I. <r. 13. § 2. 7. Defe&s in Form may be amended, 27 £7. c". 5. § 2. 8. Statutes of Jeofails extended to Judgments by Confeffion, 4 .<&». c. 16. § 2. 9. To Suits for the Revenue of the Crown, 4 Ann. c. 16. § 24. 10. And to Writs of Mandamus and Informations in the Nature of Quo Warranto!, 9 Ann. c. 20. § 7. 11. Statutes of Jeofails extended to Proceedings in Er.gUJh (ex- cept in criminal Cafes) 4 Geo. 2. r. 26. § 4. ,12. Judgment (hall not be flayed or reverfed after Verdift for De- feats of Form, 16 Cif 17 Car. 2. c. 8. For other Mat ten, fee 3Jment>t«ent, Jnofffment 8. 3B3an= tiatnus ;. parliament 92,97, 101. f-Jleatu'ngs, Iftuo ?aarranto..5. Sjeifep flUtS ©tierstfcp* See Guerufey. Seftiftjs ann Seminar? P?feffj5. See Recu- fants.- jt. The Statute Merchant of Aclon Burnell not to extend to them, St. de Mercat. 11 Ed. i„ Nor the Statute Merchant, 13 Ed. 1. ft. 3 ._ 2. Reftridlions laid on them, 57. at' Judeifmo incerti temp.. Vol. I. 188. 3. Their Debts pardoned, 1 Ed. 3. ft. 2. c. 3. 4. The Lord Chancellor to appoint Maintenance to be allowed by Jews to their Proteftant Children, 1 Ann. ft. I. c-30. 5. Alterations of the Abjuration Oath in Favour of Jews, to be naturalized in America, 13 Geo. 2. <:. 7. § 3. 6. Bills in Parliament for naturalizing Jews, permitted, 26 G«. 2. c. 26. Repealed, 27 Geo. 2. f. 1. 3!eiuel£. To be imported Duty free, 6 Geo. 2. r. y p Fcr other Matters, fee 3Diaittont>8. amptffonmeitt; 3fncloCute#. Sllfo^Comfce. See Harbours. ,fffla'p& How to be defaced, 3^4 £</. 6. c. 1 o. Slmliejflment. See Arms, Felony, and Stores; 3iWb2Oltl0ty + See Embroiderers. ampeacfiment The King's Pardon no Bar to an Impeachment in Parliament, 12 cif 13 W. 3. c. 2. § 3. 3lmp?ifonmcnt. 1. None (hall be imprifoned but by the lawful Judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land, M. C. 9 H. 3. c. 29. 25 Ed. 3. ft. ;. f . 4. 2. Bailiffs Accountant not having Lands to be attached by their Bodies to render Account, St.Marleb. 52 #, 3. r. 23. 3. Execution againft the Body on a Statute Merchant, 5/, de Merc. 11 £</. 1. 4.. The Creditor on a Statute Merchant to find his Debtor in Pri- fon with Bread and Water, St. de Merc. 11 Ed. 1. and to re- cover it in Cofts, ibid. For other Matters, fee SPcCOMtt, Cifr. I. 3ffcCUfatt0nS 2. Ccclefiaftical fberfons 41, &c ^Foietts 23. Coals, Habeas Cojpus, ^relatm, ^Liberties 16, 17, 24. fba= pifts 9. f^ifons, ciff. iJOPliatlOltf See Appropriation. 3Impj05jenient't See Approvement. SlltCeilHiarp £ Cttei'Su See Burning and Letters, Sincljantment. How puniihed, 1 Ja. 1. c. 12. Repealed by 9 Geo. 2. c. 5. 3!ncfe. To what Duties liable, 4?/'. Cif M. c. 5. § 2. 7 As. r. 7. § 24. 32 Ann. ft. 2. c. 21. 3ncIofure&. 1. Deftroying them in the Night, to be made good by the neigh- bouring Towns, 13 Ed. 1. ft. 1. c. 46. 3 cif 4 Ed. 6. c. 3..' 6 Geo. 1. c. 16. 2. Throwing down Inclofures in the Night, to be punifhed with treble Damages, 3 Cif 4 Ed. 6. c. 3. § 4. 22 cif 23 Car. 2.. <■■ 7- 3. Perfons obtaining Inclofures or Waftes difabled, cif 10 W. 3.. c. 36. § 10. 4. Taking away Gates, Pales, Pofts, Stiles or Hedge Wood, or deftroying them, how punifhed, cifc 43 El. c. 7- 15 Car. 2. c. 2. 3 W.. cif M. C 10." § 9. 5 G<w. 1. c. 15. § 6. 6 Geo. 1. c.16. For other Matters, fee 30#pJOt3eme«t I, 4. iHtaCeS. SinCtimlient. See Ecclefiaftical Courts, Oaths, Quare irnpedit, Simony and Vicars. SinUermtitp* General Indemnities in Times of Infurreftion, 1 Ed. 3. ft. I. ft- i.y?. 2. c. 3. 14 £;/. 3. c. 2 cif 3. 5 R. 2. ft. 1, c 6. 11 ic. 2. f, 1. zi R. 2. c 14. 7^.4. <•. 18.. 1'//. 5. f. 6, l l I tf. 7.