Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/383

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Ufll0#. iinfff&tSf* 28. The Right of Queen Elizabeth, and the Heirs of her Body, 1 El. c. 3. 29. An Allocation for Defence of Queen Elizabeth, 27 El. c. 1. 30. The Ferfons by whole Means the Queen's Life may be ihortened, difabled to pretend Title to the Crown, 27 El. c, 1. 31. Recognition of the Title of King James I. 1 Ja, I. c. 1. 32. Of the Title of King Ciarles II. 12 Car, 2. c. 12. § I 2. 33. The People have no coercive Power over the Perfon of the King", 12 Car. 2. c. 30. § I. 34. The Poft-Office Revenue, and Wine Licences, fettled upon the Duke of York, 15 Car. 2. c. 14. 1 Ja. 2. r. 12. 35. The Coronation Oath, 1 W. (3 Af. c. 6. 36. The Succeffion of the Crown limited, 1 W. (3 M.ft. 2. c. 2. 37. Perfons profeffing the Popifo Religion, or marrying a Papift, excluded from the Succeffion, 1 W. (3 M.ft. 2. c. 2. § 9. 12 /SP. 3. c. 2.. 38. The King fhall take the Declaration againft Popery, W. (3 M. ft. 2. c. 2. § 10. 39. Recognition of King William and Queen Mary, 2 W. (3 M. c. 1. 40. Commiflions, (3c. not to ceafe for fix Months after the Death of the King, -j(3 %W. 3. c. 27. § 21 . 1 >&». ft. 1. <■. 8. 4 ^»w. f. 8. '6 ^*z?. c. 7. § 8. 41 . To extend to Ireland, Jer/ey, Gwemfey, America, (3c. I Ann. ft. 1. c. 8. § 6. 42. The Civil Lift Revenue granted to King William for Life, 9 cif 10 W. 3. c. 23. The Overplus difcharged, 12 ci? 13 W. 3. c. 12. §4. 43. The Succeffion to the Crown fettled upon the Princefs Sophia, Eleftrefs and Dutchefs Dowager of Hanoiier, 12 (3 13 W. 3'.. e. 2. 44. The Civil Lift Revenue granted to Queen Anne, Ann. ft. i. c - 7- 45. Grants of Lands to be only for 31 Years or three Lives, 1 Ann. ft. 1. c. 7. § 5. Of Buildings for fifty Years, ibid. § 6. 46. Hereditary Excife, Revenues of Poft-OfEce and fmallBranches not alienable, 1 Ann. ft. 1. c. 7. § 7. Forfeited Eftates ex- cepted, ibid. § 8. 47. Revenue of Prince' George of Denmark eftablifhed, 1 Ann. ft. 2. c. 2. 48. Princefs Sophia and her Iflue naturalized, 4 Ann, c. r . tff c. 4 .- 49. Privy Council and other great Officers to continue fix Months after the King's Death, unlefs, (3c. 6 Ann, c. 7. § 8. 50. The Great Seal and other publick Seals to be ufed as the Seals of the Succeffor until, (3c. 6 Ann, c. 7. § 9. 51. TheSuccelTor impowered to appoint a Regency, 4 Ann. c. 8. 6 Ann. c. 7. § 11. 52. Precedency of the Princefs Sophia, (3c. fettled, 10 Ann. c. 4. 53. The Civil Lift granted to King George I. 1 Geo. i.ft. i.e. 1. 54. Reward for apprehending the Pretender, 1 Geo. i.ft. 1, c. 1. § 9. ft. 2. c. 13, § 28. 55. Provifion for Queen Caroline when Princefs, 1 Geo. 1. c. 22. Principality of Wales granted to his prefent Majcfty, 1 Geo. 1. <"• 37- 56. The Reftriclion in the Aft of Settlement that the Kingfhould not depart the Land, (3c. repealed, 1 Geo, 1, c, 51. 57. Annuities granted on the Civil Lift to difcharge Debts, 7 Geo. 1. c. 27. 12 Geo. 1.- c. 2. 58. Provifion made for his Majefty for the Civil Government, 1 Geo. 2. ft. 1. c. 1. 59. His Majefty enabled to be Governor of the South-Sea Com- pany, I Geo. 2> ft. 1. e. 2. 60. Provifion made for Queen Caroline, 1 Geo, 2. ft. I. r„. 3, 61. Provifion for the Debts of King George I. 1 Gftf. 2._/?. 2. r, 8. § 26. 62. The Prince of Orange naturalized, 7 G*e. 2. r. 3 (3 4. 63. Annuity granted to the Princefs Royal, 7 Geo. 2. c. 13. 64. The Princefs of Wales naturalized, 9 Geo. 2. <-. 24 (3 28. 65. Provifion made for the Princefs of Wales, 10 Geo. 2. r. 29. 66, A Settlement on the Duke of Cumberland and the Princeffes,, 12 Geo, 2, <■. 1 i> 67. Provifion of a Marriage Portion for the Princefs Mary, 13. Geo, 2. c 13. 68. Annuities granted to the Royal Family, freed from Taxes,, 15 Geo. 2. c. 19. § 21. 69. An additional Annuity granted to the Duke of Cumberland, 19 Geo. 2. c. 29. 70. Regency fettled in cafe of the Crown defcending to a Minor, 24 Geo. 2. c. 24. 71. His Majefty impowered to grant Entries to the VafTals of this Principality of Scotland, during the Minority of the Prince-, 25 Geo. 2. c. 20. 72. The Royal Family exempt from the Land-Tax, 30 Gw* 2. r. 3. § 92 tif 93. 4 Geo. 3. r. 2. § 95, 96, 97. 73. EftabJifhment of Court Lift, 1 Geo. 3.. c. 1. 74. Hereditary and temporary Excife, Tunnage and Poundage, Poft-Office and fmall Branches carried to the Aooreoate Fund. G CO £3 . eo. 3.. c. I. § 3. 75. King may be Governor of South-Sea Company, 1 G.o. 3. c. §. For other Matters, fee ^LbatetUCltt 24, 28, 30. ^CSOtmfc, (3c. i, 10. 3Ht)bolafon u 10, (3c. UBiitiops ;, 16, (3c. CrjattcetE 1. Crjatiotte (£lueen Churches, ConDe- cation 2. Cojnirmll, SDebt to the &ins, ©tfcotm'nu- nnceof ^ocefs, ©fcheats, rffincs .6. fixft ;ftm'ts, (£»?ant of tfje Jting, Jlttfttces of rjoth benches z„ ULeafes 20. JLibevties, Limitations 5, (3c. $®zx= tiages 17- ^t'nes, #ojtmani 16, (3c. palaces,. plantations 15. ©zetogatifce, i&ecofcert? 6. SumtiS s .5. ^reaf.on, Sftnifcevaties 15. males, <Htecfe 3. lU'ttff'g 05atCfj- See Corporation, Error, In- formation, Juftices of both Benches, Land Tax, Marfhalfea, Prifon, Regifter, Treafon, Wales. 3KlI10'0 2&2ntl) PilTOit* See Gaols, Marshal of the King's Bench, and Prifons. Skfnff'Si Patents antl 0?ant0. See Grants of the King and Patents. in. A Duty of Excife granted to the Town, 22 Geo, 2. c, 13] lingffen upon IpuIL What Duties on Fifti brought there, 33 H. 8. c. 33. § 1, HithcalBp. A Duty of Excife granted to the Town, 15 Geo, 2. c. 8; HSmgtjtjS, anti iinifffjts BnUte. 1. None to be diftrained for more Service for a Knight's Fee than is due, M. C. 9 H. 3. c. 10. z. Aids pur /aire fttz chevalier, (3c. regulated, .St: Weftm,- . 3 Ed. 1. c. 36- 25 Ed. 3-y?.. 5. c. n- 3. None fhall be diftrained to take Knighthood that have lefs than 40/. a Year, or that are incumbered with Debts, or thaS hold in Burgage, (3c. St. de milit. 1 Ed. 2. ft. 1. 4. None fhall be compelled to take Knighthood, 16 Car. 1. c. 20. 5. Who to be Contributors to die Expences of Knights coming to Parliament, z R. 2. c. 12. 6. Knights Service abolifhed, 1-2 Car, z. c. 24, 3 &m'g!;"j: