Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/400

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^atwcilfsatioiT.; Mty TBim- JBefocaftfe. N. JMaboiotifiTj. Its JnPcices, where impowered to determine Appeals, CjGeo.i. c. 7. § 7. $atutaft?affoit. •S. The Children of a King of England, or of Subjects born out of the King's Allegiance, to be deemed natural-born Subjeft;, 25 Ed. 3. ft, 2. 7 //««. c. 5. § 3. . JO Ann. c. 5. 4 Geo. 2. c. 21. 2. An Aft for naturalizing the Children of Thomas Points and others, 33 ff. 8. a 25. 3. Such as are to be naturalized or reftored in Blood, {hall receive the Sacrament, and take the Oaths, 7 fa. i.e. 2. 4. The Children of his Majefty's Subjects born beyond Sea, du- ring the Troubles, naturalized, 29 Car. 2. c. 6. 5. Children of Officers born abroad, naturalized, 9 & 10 W. 3. c. 20. 6. No Alien, though naturalize^, c3V. capable of Offices of Truft, &c. 1 2 fa 1 1 3 #'. 3. <r. 2. 7. Natural Subjects may inherit, and make their Title by An- ceftors born beyond Sea, 11 cif iz W; 3. c. 6. Provided they were born before the Time of the Defcent, 25 Geo. 2. c. 29. 8. Foreign Proteilants naturalized, 7 /to. f. 5. Repealed, 10 Ann. c. 5. 9. Perfon naturalized at Acce'flion of Geo. 1. not difabled, 1 Geo. 1. f. 4. § 1. 10. No Bill of Naturalization to be received, without a Claufe difabling from being a Member of Parliament, CSV. I Geo. 1. c. 4. § 2. 1 1. Time given to the Palatines in Ireland for taking the Oaths, 1 Geo. 1. r. 29. 1 2. Children of Subjects born abroad to be deemed natural born Subjects, 4 Geo. 2. c. 21. 13. Foreign Seamen ferving two Years upon Proclamation in Time of War, naturalized, 13 Geo. 2. c. 3. 14. Foreigners refiding feven Years in the Plantations, natura- lized, 13 Geo. 2, c, 7. Extended to the Moravians, 20 Geo. 2. c. 44. 15. Sacrament to be received except oy Quakers and Jews, 13 Geo. 2. c. 7. § 2. 16. Reftrained from holding Offices of Truft, &c. 13 G?£>. 2. r. 7. § 6. 20 G?o. 2. r. 44. § ;. 17. Foreign Proteftants ferving three Years in the Whale Fifhery, naturalized, 22 Geo. 2. c. 45. § 8. 18. Excluded from Offices of Truft, &c. 22 Geo. 2. c. 4^. § 10. 19. None to inherit by W. 3. c. 6. but fuch as were capable take at the Death of him who died laft feifed, 25 Geo. 2. e. 39. so. Foreign Proteftants ferving two Years in America, natura- lized, 2 Geo. 3. c Z5. For other Matters, fie ikl'tig, &c. 4. j£j>0UtS) ii>ea COItU pant? 5. Jt5aHnI StGtC0. See Ships and Stores. Da&l'Catfott- See Ships. Jf5Cit>p. See Seamen, Ships. mm M0. 1. Counterfeiting Navy Bills, &c. punimed, 1 Geo. .Jl. 2. c. 25. §6. 2, Stealing of them Felony, 2 G«>. 2. <•. 25. § 3. $a&p Office. How rebuilt, 25 Car. 2. c. 10. $ccMaces ami OBjacelets at Ctfafe* Necklaces of Glafs imported, what Du;ies to pay, 4 IV. & ^ <:. 5. § 2. $ecfe-cl0t!J$J* What Sorts of Neck-cloths are not chargeable by 10 Ann. c. 19. 12 Ann. ft. 2. c. 9. § 5. eff, 19. 1. Importing it prohibited, 13 & 14 C«<-. 2. r. 13. 2. May be exported Duty free, 1 1 cif 12 /^". 3. c. 3. § 15. 33C$£ fO? flfijtllff. See Fifhing. MzM$ attfc ©t* C&?iffopDer& The Sum of 103,003 /. 11;. d. diftributed among the Propri- etors and Inhabitants, 9 Ann. c. 23. § 88. 10 Ann. c. 34. 5 Geo. 1. c. 32. S Geo. 1. a 20. §43. 13 Geo. l. c. 3. § 10. 1 Geo. 2. ft. 2. c. 8. § 24. Far 0/^7- Matters, fee SUtltttlitieS. Hetsjcaftlc upon t£fne. 1 . Keels in the Haven to be meafured and marked, 9 H. 5. c . 10. 30 Car. 2. ft. I. c. 8. 6 Cif 7 /f. 3. <-. 10. 2. No Goods Ihall be (hipped in the Harbour but at Ne-iucaflle 21 H. 8. c. 18. y 3. Fifti, Salt or Provifions excepted, 21 #. 8. r. 18. § 5. 4. The Mayor, &c. of NcwcaftU may pull down Wears in the River, 21 tf. 8. c. 18. 5. Gateftde annexed to Newcafth, 7 Ed. 6. c. 10. Repealed, 1 M.ft. 3. c. 3. 6. Goldfmiths, Silverfmiths and Plate-workers incorporated, 1 Ann. ft. 1. r. 9. § 4. 7. For the Regulation of Silver in Netvcaftk, fee OBjillol. For other Matters, fee Coals, ©oln 34, bY. ^limitations 6. Sfonojiolies 7. ^etUfotmtJlantl* SeeFifh, Greenland. Hefopte $5atfcet=piace» To be leafed to the City of London, 22 Car. 2. t. 1 1. § 61. $etD&afiett. See Harbours. j®etDpo?t in tfie Mt of (BKi|jj)t. The Poll for Knights of the Shire may be adjourned to it, 7 c^ 8 W. 3. c. 25. § 10. Its Shares, how taxable, 4 G«. 3. r. z. § 54. MtW $ap*r& See Stamps. Ji^eU) ©tile- See Calendar. I3eto OTn&for. Its Water-works, how taxable, 4 Geo. 3. r. 2. § 73. Salt, how imported from Europe thither, 3 Geo, 2. f. 12.