Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/402

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flSotfoHu JBotf&umbertantu I3tifance. $0?t& OHalejJ. See Wales. 4. Eifliop of Norwich chargeable with the Collection of the King's Tenth, 32 //. 8. c. 47. 5. Only Weavers in Norfolk may buy Worded Yarn in Norwich or Norfolk, 33 //. 8. c. 16. 1 £</. 6. r. 6. 6. Regulations relating to the making of Hats, Dornecks and Coverlets in Norwich and Norfolk, 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c, 24. 7. At what Prices Corn and Grain may be exported from Norfolk and Suffolk, 1 El. c. ti. § 11. 8. Veflels anchored on the Coafts of Norfolk and Suffolk, where forfeited, 13 £7. f. 11. § 4. 9. For repairing the Sea Banks and Sea Works in Norfolk, 27 El. <"• 2 4«  io. Regulations of the Stuff Manufactures, and of Elections, 9 Geo. 1 . c . 9. 11. Who are excufed being Sheriffs, 9 Geo. t. c. 9. § 3. 12. For repairing the Walls, Bridges, CSV. lz Geo. 1. <•. 15. 13. Elections, &e. regulated, 3 G«>. 2. r. 8. 14. None but Inhabitant to be elected Sheriff of Norwich, 3 Geo. 2. f. 8. § 1 1. 15. For building the Shire Houfe in the County of Norfolk, zo Geo. 2 . c. 2 1 . j 6. For Regulations of Silver, fee %}ittOl, For other Matters, fee HfclHBS 3. ^ft(l) 3, tiff. farthest 7, fcff. ^>fjt$)S 16. J!3o?t&ampton. 1. Statutes made there, 2 EJ. 3. 2. For rebuilding the Town, Z7 H. 8. c. 1. 27 Car. 2. r. 1. Jl^tfjleecij ©cljool in t&e Count? of (01ou* cefter. How founded and incorporated, 4 Ja. 1. c.j. $02t&tim&erlaim ana J^ojtljetn Counties 1. Procefs of Outlawry to be awarded againft. Felons dwelling in , Tindale and Hexhcwifhire, 2 H. 5. c. 5. 2. Againft thofe of Riddeflale, 9 H. 5. c. 7. 3. Gathering of Head Pence by the Sheriff of Northumberland, prohibited, 23 H. 6. c. 6. 4. Procefs of the Warden Court (hall only be executed in Cum- berland, Weftmorland, Northumberland and Newcaftle, 31 H. 6. t. 3. 5. Tindal made Part of Northumberland, and the Farmers to find Surety to ftand to the Law, 1 1 H. 7. c. 9. 6. The County-Court fhall be kept at Alnwick, 2 & $ Ed. 6. c 25. § 3. 7. The Sheriff ihall account as other Sheriffs do, 2 & 3 £W. 6. <■• 34< 8. Inquiry into the Decay of Houfes and Tillage in the Northern Counties, z & 3 P. 13 M. c. 1. 9. Hexan.fhire united to Northumberland, 14 5/. £. 13. 10. Commtffion to inquire of the Decay of Houfes in the North- ern Parts, 23 El. c. 4. Ii. Burning Corn, csV. made Felony in the Northern Countier, 43 El, c. 13. 12. For repreffing Robberies in the Northern Counties, 43 El. c. 13. 13. Provifions for preventing Theft and Rapine upon the North- ern Borders, 7 Ja. l.c-V. 13 tif 1 4 Car. 2. c. 22. 29 £if 30 Car. 2. c. 2. 24 Geo. 2. c. 57. 14. Benefit of Clergy taken from notorious Spoil- takers in North- umberland, <3c. or Juftices of Affife, &c may tranfport them not to return, 18 Car. 2. c. 3. 15. The Acts for preventing Theft and Rapine on the Northern Borders (hall be deemed publick A&s, 6 Geo. 2. c. 37. § 10. For other Matters, fee Count g Court 5. J^Ojftg 3. ir>ojtOlt (RiCfjatH, QEfcj;) Statutes concerning his Will, 6 Geo. 2. c. 32. 10 Geo. 2. c. 37, i^foirfj. See Gold, M#, Worfted. $5ofc Slitting or cutting it off, where Felony, 22 & 23 Car. 2. r. t. §7- $otess. Remedy given to the Indorfee of promiffory Notes, as upon Bills of Exchange, 3 & 4 /SW. r. 9. For other Matters, fee H&tllS of Change, C3V. COftlS 44. belong toitl;out Clergy, 7&/<? Jfojgerg aim IRobberg, ^ottinjyljam. For rebuilding the Town, 27 H. 8. c. 1. HoM Dfffeffin. 1. Such Aflife, and A&fe of Mortdancefter, where and before whom to be taken, M. C. 9 H. 3 . <:. 1 2. 5/. ^/?». 2. 13 Ed. l. ft. 1. f. 10, 30. 2. May be adjourned for Difficulty, M. C. 9 H. 3. <-. 12. 2 77. ■ 4. h 7. 3. Re-diffeifin, how to be inquired of and punifhed, 20 H. 3. C. 3. 13 .EV. !._/?. I. f. 26. 4. In what Cafes an Aflife of Novel Diffeifin lies, St. Weftm. 1. 3 £</. 1. c. 24. S/. #^<?/?ot. 2. 13 Ed. 1. c. 18, 25, 46. 5. And at what Times, 3 Ed. 1. c 51. 13 Ed. i.ft. 1. <-. 10, 30. 6. Tenants may plead by Bailiff, 13 Ed. l.f. 1. r. 25. 34 .EY. 1. ft. 1. 12 £</. 2.7?. 1. r. 1. 7. The Danger of taking a falfe Exception, 13 Zsa'. 1.^. 1. r, 25. 34 .EW. I. ft. I. de conjunSlim feoffai' . 8. The Record how to be certified and re-examined, 1 3 EY. 1 . ft. 1. r. 2;. 9. What the Judgment on a Diffeifin with Robbery or Force, 3 .E^. 1. c. 37. 4 #. 4. c. 8. 10. What to be done on a Plea of Jointenancy, 34 Ed. .ft. 1. de c'onjunelim feoff at 1 . 1 1 . An Aflife of Novel Diffeifin given againfl the Pernor of the Profits, 1 R. 2. c. g. 4 H. 4. c. 7. 1 1 H. 6. <r. 3. 1 2. May be taken againft the Patentee of the Crown, 1 H. 4. c. 8. 13. Copies of the Panel to be delivered to the Parties fix Days before the Seflions, 6 H. 6. c. 2. For other Matters, fee Affife and SDifleifin, iftttfattce* 1. A Writ of Nufance may be maintained againft the Alienee of him who erected the Nufance, St. Weftm. 2. 13 Ed. 1. c. 24. 2. Viconuel Writs of Nufance may be in Nature of an Affife, 6 R. 2. c. 3. 3. They who put Annoyance in Ditches, &c. near Towns, fhall be punifhed by the Chancellor, by Scire facias. 12 R. 2. c. 13. 4. Afting under old Charters not continued, to the Prejudice of Trade, a public Nufance, 6 Geo. i. c. 18. § 18. For other Matters, fee 515?iDgeS, l&lOkCXS 10. I^UtCljerS z,-&e. Cattle, ConamtUcaftij leather 33. SUmDon, lotteries 2. ibejutbs, 3 ;©atfyef.