Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/505

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Cotton MS

dez Justices si poet il consentiemen une Jurre de xii franks hommes, en lieu de grand assise, pur esparnir le travaille de xii chivalers,[1] per ceo qil dirront & front lour ferement arecountre verite, fanz dire a lour ascient.

De dimissone [seu divisione ] denariorum[2]

QUIA multorum Regum temporibus provisum suit, quod propter pauperes denarius argenti, cestascavoir sterlingus, quotiens necessitas expostulat, divideretur in obolos et quadrantes, ex parte Domini Regis disstricte precipitur, quod quicunque in emptionibus et venditionibus obolum seu quadrantem legalis metalli et debitam habentem formam recusare presumpferit ; tamquam regie majestatis contemptor capiatur, et in carcerem detrudatur. Preceptum est etiam, quod subeat judicium pillorii.

An Ordinance for Measures.

By the consent of the whole Realme of England the measure. of our Soveraigne Lord the King was made, that is to say, an English penie, called a sterling, round and without any clipping, shall weigh xxxii. wheate cornes in the middes of the eare, and xx. d. shall make an ounce and xii. ounces i. li. and viii. li. shall make a galon of wine, and viii. galons of wine shall make i. bushel London, which is the eight part of a quarter.


Anno primo EDWARDI III.

Statutes made at Westminster, the Seventh of March, in the First Year of the Reign of the Noble King Edward the Third, Stat. 1. in the Year of our Lord 1327.

A Confirmation of the Banishment of Hugh Spencer the Father, and Hugh Spencer the Son.

Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 29.



  1. Pur ceo qe il dirrunt et front lour serment sans dire qe il dirrunt veyr a leur assient. Bibl. Reg. g A II. 21. Pur ceo qil dirront et front serment saunz dire a lur ascient Al. MS. Et ils-ferront le serment ssans dealy dont ils dirront viec a lour asscient. Tottell.
  2. Tottel Mag.Chart.