Anno quarto Henrici septimi.
The third Parliament holden in the fourth year of the Reign of King Hen. VII.
TO the worship of God and holy Church, and for the common weal and profit of this Realm of England, our Sovereign Lord Henry by the Grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, the Seventh after the Conquest, at his Parliament holden at Westminster, the thirteenth day of January, in the fourth year of his Reign, by the advice and assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons in the said Parliament assembled, and by authority of the same, hath done to be made, ordained, and stablished dvers Statutes and Ordinances in form as followeth.
The Mayor of London and his Successors shall have the like conservation and authority in all the issues, breaches, and ground overflown, as far as the water ebbeth and floweth, grown out of the River of Thames, as touching the punishments for using unlawful Nets and Engines, as he hath within the said River. P R.
Maior of LondonITEM, where the Maior of the Citie of London, for the time being, is conseruatour, hauing the conseruation of the water and river of Thames, from the bridge of Stanes unto the waters of Yendale and Medeway: Thames.It is so that within few yeres, by tempest of weather and great aboundance of waters in the said riuer of Thames, diuers breaches iflues and creekes, haue beene and growen out of the faid river of Thames, and by the same divers pastures, medowes, and grounds of dicers persons beene drowned and overflowen: In which breaches issues and creekes, and ground drowned, the frye and brood of fish for the most part resteth, and in the same place the said frye and broode in great multitude daily is taken by the saide fishers there, with unlawfull engines and nettes for baite ot Eeles and Coddes, and alfo for the feeding of their Hogges, to the utter destruction of the said frye and broode, without a remedie the rather be provided: The King our saide Soueraigne Lord by the advice of the Lords spirituall and temporal, and at the prayers of the Commons in the said Parliament assembled, and by authoritie of the same, hath ordained, stablifhed, and enacted, that the Maior of London, and his successors Maiors for the time being, have the conseruation and rule, and like authority in every of the said breaches, issues, and creekes, and ground so drowned and overflown, as farre as the water ebbeth and floweth, as touching the punition for using of unlawfull nettes and other unlawful engines in fishing, like as hee and his predecessours haue or hath in the fame water and river of Thames, within the boundes afore rehearsed: Nettes And to doe all other like correction and punishment there concerning the reformation and redresse of unlawfull nettes and engins, as he and his predecessors have used and ought to use in the said river of Thames.Breaches.
Creeks.Provided alway, that the Maior of London, or his successors Maiors for the time being, have not the conseruation nor rule nor authorite in any of the sayd breaches, issues, creekes and grounds so drowned and overflowen within the Kings ground, or being within any Franchises of any person or persons spirituall and temporall, as touching the punition for using of unlawful nettes and other unlawfull engins in fishing, nor to doe any correction or punifhment there concerning the reformation and redresse of unlawfull nets and engines, as the said Maior and his successors have used and ought to use in the said river of Thames.
The charges and benefit of the Heir of Cesti que use.