Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/610

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deined and enacted for Religious persons, any Statutes, Ordinances, Lawes, Customes, Usages, or any other thing or things to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding.

Sanctuary.XIII. Provided also, and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesayd, that all priviledges of Sanctuaries heretofore used or claimed in mansion houses and other places commonly called Saint Johns hold,and all other Sanctuaries heretofore used in any place within this Realme, or in Ireland, which heretofore hath been belonging to any of the said Hospitals, shall stand and be utterly void and of none effect, for or concerning any Sanctuary, priviledges of Sanctuarie, there to be had or used. The priviledges of common Churches and Churchyards, applied and used to Gods service, and burials of Christian people onely excepted.

XIII. And be it also enacted by authority aforesaid, that all the said manors, meses, lands, tenements, and all and Angular other possessions, priviledges, libertees, franchises, and other hereditaments, granted to the Kings majestie by this Act, shall be in the Survey survey, rule, order and governance of the Chancellor and other ministers and officers of the Court of the augmentatationsAugmentation of the revenues of the Kings Crowne in like manner, forme, fashion, and condition, as the possessions of the land of the Abbies, Monasteries or Priories suppressed or surrendred be.

XIV. And be it also enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all and every such person and persons as be now confreres of the said Hospitall or Hospitals, and at this present time out of this Realme shall before the feast of Pentecost, which shall be in the yeere of our Lord God one thousand five hundred fortie and one, returne into the same, and here pesfonally present themselves to the Kings Majestie, or to the Lord Chancellor of England, the Lord Treasurer, the Lord President of the Kings Councell, and the Lord privie Seale, or two of them for the time being at the least, both knowledging themselves to be his highnesse true and loyall subjects, and declaring themselves to be content willingly to observe, keepe and maintaine all the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, as to good and true subjects apperteineth, or else the same confrere or confreres, making default of such his repaire and presentment as is beforefaid, shall in no wise claime and enioy any pension by vertue of this act, any thing in the same conteined notwithstanding, unlesse the person or persons so making default of repaire and appearance, can shew and declare themselves to have been deteined, or by a necessary meane impeached and letted of their will, purpose, and desire to have come hither and to have accomplished the whole contents of this Statute accordingly.

Anno tricesimo tertio Henrici octavi.

At a Parliament holden Anno tricesimo tertio Henrici otavi, at Westminster the sixteenth of Januarie in the yeere aforesaid and there continued untill the first day of Aprill then next following.

An Act concerning Crosbowes and handgunes.

"WERE in the Parliament holden at Westminster, the xv. day of January, in the xxv. yeere of the Kings most gracious reigne, and there continued and kept untill the xxx. day of March then next insuing, among diverse and sundrie wholesome and laudable Acts, Statutes and ordinances, one Statute and ordinance was made and ordained for the avoiding and eschuing of shooting in Crossebowes and handguns: since the making of which Act divers malicious and and evill disposed persons, not onely presuming wilfully and obstinately the violation and breach of the said Act, but also of their malicious and evill disposed mindes and purposes, have wilfully and shamefully committed, perpetrated and done diverse detestable and shamefull murders robberies, felonies, riots and routs with Crosbowes, little short handguns, and little haquebuts, to the great peril and continuall feare and danger of the kings loving subjects, and also diverse keepers of Forrests, Chases and Parkes, aswell of our said Sovereigne Lord, as other his Nobles and commons, and diverse Gentlemen, Yeomen and Servingmen now of late have layed apart the good and laudable exercise of the long Bow, which alwayes heretofore hath beene the surety, safegard and continuall defence of this Realme of England, and an inestimable dread and terror to the enemies of the same. And now of late the said evill disposed persons have used, and yet doe dayly use to ride and goe in the Kings high wayes, and elsewhere, having with them Crosbowes and little handguns ready furnished with quarrels, gunpouder, fire and touch, to the great peril and feare of the Kings most loving subjects.' For reformation whereof, be it enacted, ordained and established by the King our Sovereigne Lord, the Lords spirituall and temporall, & the commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, in maner and forme following: that is to say, 100. Pounds a Years.
Crossbow. Handgun. Forfeit.
That no person or persons, of what estate or degree he or they be, except he or they in their owne right, or in the right of his or their wives, to his or their owne uses, or any other to the use of any such person or persons, have lands, tenements, fees, annuities or offices, to the yeerly value of one hundred pounds from or after the last day of June next comming, shall shoot in any crosbow, handgun, haquebut, or demy hake, or use or keepe in his or their houses, or elsewhere, any crosbow, handgun, haquebut, or demy hake, otherwise, or in any other maner then is hereafter in this present act declared, upon paine to forfeit for every time that he or they so offend contrary to this act, ten pounds.

II. And