Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/612

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Crosbowes and Handguns, not repealed, and for the keeping of the same, shall be as good and effectuall to the parties that have commensed the same, and shall stand and be in such forme, effect, degree and condition, as if this Act had never beene made.

XI. Provided also, that this Act, or any thing therein conteined, bee not in any wise hurtfull or prejudiciall to any person or persons, now being, or that hereafter shall be appointed by the Kings highnesse, to keepe, receive, or take any Crosbowes or HandgunsParkes, &c., that shall be forfeited or taken within the precinct or liberty of the Kings Forrests, Parkes or Chases, but that he or they may lawfully keepe and reteine the same Crosbowes or Handgunes from time to time, untill such time as the further pleasure of the Kings highnesse in that behalfe be to every such person shewed & declared.

Crosbow makers.XII. Provided also, that this Act extend not to the makers of Crosbowes or HandgunesGunmakers, but that they may lawfully kepe Crosbowes and Handgunes, haquebutes, and demy hakes in their houses, and shoot in the same, only for proving and assaying of them at a butte or banke of earth in the place convenient, and not otherwise: so that the said Handgunes, haquebuts, and demy hakes be of the severall lengths in stocke and gun, as is above limited.

MerchantsXIII. Provided also, that this Act nor any thing therein conteined, extend not, or be preiudiciall to any Merchants, which have or shall have any Crosbowes, handgunes, haquebuts, and demy hakes or any of them, to sell within this Realme, and to none other use : so that the same handgunes, haquebuts, and demy hakes be of the severall lengths in gun and stocke, as is above limited, and not under.

ProclamationXIV. Provided also, that no maner of person run in any danger, or take hurt, by reason of any penalty or forfeiture conteined in this Act, untill such time as Proclamation be made of the same Act, within the County, where the party that shall or may offend contrary to this Act, dwelleth by the space of twenty dayes next after the making of the said Proclamation.

XV. Provided also, that if any maner of person bring or cause to be brought with him into his lodging, or in, or to any other mans house, any Crosbow or handgun, that then the penalty and forfeiture, if any such be, or hereafter shall be forfeited by reason of this Act, to run, and bee onely upon the bringer of the said Crosbow and handgun, and not to the owner of the same lodging or house, if the said owner of the said lodging or house cause the said bringer thereof to take and to carry away the said Crosbow or handgun againe with him at his departing: any thing in this Act made to the contrary notwithstanding.

Persons offendors s be Aressted.XVI. And be it also enacted by the authoritie of this present Parliament, that if any person or persons, from or after the last day of June next comming, fee or finde any person or persons offending or doing contrary to the forme and effect of this Act, that then it shall bee lawfull to every such person or persons perceiving, finding or seeing any such person or persons so offending contrary to the forme of this Act, to Arrest and attach every such offendor or offendors, and to bring or convey the same to the next Justice of the Peace of the same Countie where the said offendor or offendors shall be found so offending. Justice of the Peace.And that the same Justice of Peace, upon a due examination and proofe thereof before him had or made, by his discretion, Imprisonshall have full power and authoritie to send or commit the same offendor or offendors to the next goale, there to remaine till such time as the said penalty or forfeiture shall be truely contented and payed by the said offendor: the one moity of the same penaltie to be payed to the Kings highnesse, and the other moitie thereof to the first bringer or convueyer of the said offendor to the same Justice of Peace.

PlacardXVII. And be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesayd, that if any person or persons doe at any time heereafter obtaine, get or purchase of the Kings Maiesty, his heires or successors, any placard, licence or Bill assigned, to shoot in any Crosbow, Handgun, Haquebut, or demie Hake, contrary to the tenor, purport and effect of this present Act, that then there shall be contained in every such Placard, licence and Bill assigned, at what beasts, fowles, or other things the said perfon or perfons so obtaining any such Placard, licence or Bill assigned, shall shoot with any Crosbow, Handgun, Haquebut or demie Hake, or else that every such Placard, licence and Bill assigned heereafter to be obtained, gotten or purchased, shall be cleerely void, frustrate and of none effect. And also that every such person or persons so obtaining any such Placard, licence or Bill assigned, before they shoot in any such Crosbow, Handgun, Haquebut, or demie Hake, in any such maner or forme as shall be mentioned in any ssuch Placard, licence or Bill assigned, Bonds. shall be bound in the Kings Court of Chancerie by recognizance in the summe of to the Kings use, with and upon condition, that he so obtaining or having the said licence, Placard or Bill assigned, shall not shoot in any Crosbow, Handgun, Haquebut, or demie Hake, at any other beasts or fowles, then in any such Placard, licence or Bill assigned shall bee contained and specified, and also all such Placards, Licences and Billes assigned so heereafter to be made to any person or persons, not being so bound by Recognizance in the Court of the Chancerie, as is aforesaid, to be utterly void and of none effect.

XVIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that it shal be lawfull to all Justices of the PeaceJust. of P. in their sessions, and to all Stewards and Bailiffes in their severall leets and lawdaies, to inquire, heare and determine every such offence, after the said last day of June, to be committed and done contrary to the tenor of this present Act: so that al waies no lesse fine then ten pounds be assessed upon every such presentment and conviction made according to the due course of the law, the same fine so by the same Justices of Peace upon every such presentment and conviction made before them in their Sessions, to be payed and levied onely to the Kings use, and the one moitie of every fine to be assessd by the stewards or Bailiffes of any leete or Lawday, upon every presentment and conviction before them to be made, to be payed and levied to the use of the King our Sovereigne Lord. And the other moitie, the one halfe to the owner of the said leete or Lawday by action of debt, and the
