Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/628

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VII. And furthermore, for the great and weighty considerations aforesaid, we the Lords Spirituall and Temporal, and the Commons of this present Parliament assembled, do by our like assent and authorise of this Parliament, give and grant to your highnesse, our said Sovereigne Lady the Queenes Majestie, your heires and successors, one entire Subsidie, to be rated, taxed, levied and pain at two severall paiments, of every person spirituall and temporall, of what estate or degree he or they be, according to the tenor of this Act, in maner and forme following: that is to say, aswell of every person borne within this realm of England, Wales, or other the Queens dominions, as of all and every Fraternity, Gui'd, Corporation, Mystery, Brotherhood, and Commonalty, corporated or not corporated, within this realme of England, Wales, or other the Queenes dominions, being worth v. li. for every pound, aswell in Coyne and the value of every pound, that every such person, Fraternity, Guild, Corporation, Mystery, Brotherhood, Comonaltie, corporate or not corporate, hath of his or their owne, or any other to his or their use, as also Plate, stocke of merchandizes, all maner of Come and blades, houshold stuffe, and of all other goods moveable, aswell within the Realme as without, and of all summes of money as to him or them is or shall be owing, whereof he or they trust in his or their conseience, surely to be paid, except and out of the premisses deducted, such summes of money as he or they owe, and in his or their conseiences intendeth truely to pay : and except also, the apparell of such persons, their wives and children belonging to their owne bodies, (saving jewels, gold, silver, stone and pearle) shall pay to and for the first payment of the said Subsidie, twenty pence of every pound, and to and for the second paiment of the said Subsidie twelve pence of every pound. And also every Alien and stranger borne out of the Queenes obeisance, aswell Denizen as others, inhabiting within this Realme, of every pound that he or they have in Coine, and the value of every pound in Plate, Come, Graine, Merchandizes, Houshold stuffe, or other goods, jewels, chattels moveable or unmoveable, as is aforesaid, aswell within this Realme as without, and of all summes of money to him or them owing, wherof he or they trust in his or their conseiences to be paid (except out of the same premisses deducted, every such summe or summes of money, which he or they doe owe, and in his or their conseience or conseiences intend truely to pay) shall pay of and for every pound, to and for the first payment of the said Subsidie, three shillings and foure pence, and to and for the second paiment of the said Subsidie two shillings of every pound. And also that every alien and stranger borne out of the Queenes dominions, being Denizen or not Denizen, not being contributory to any the rates abovesaid, shall pay to and for the first paiment of the said Subsidie, foure pence, and to and for the second paiment of the said Subsidie other foure pence for every Poll.

VIII. And the master, or he or she with whom the same alien is or shall be abiding at the same taxation or taxations thereof, to be charged with the same for lacke of payment thereof.

IX. And be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, that every person borne under the Queenes obeisance, and every Corporation, Fratemitie, Guild, Mystery, Brotherhood, and Commonaltie, corporate or not corporate, for every pound that every of the same person, & every Corporation, Fratemitie, Guild, Mystery, Brotherhood, & Commonalty, corporat or not corporat, or any other to his or their use, hath in fee simple, fee taile, for terme of life, terme of yeeres, by execution, wardship, or by copie of Court Roll, of and in any Honors, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Services, Hereditaments, Annuities, Fees, Corrodies, or other yeerely profits, of the yeerly value of twenty shillings, aswell within ancient demeane and other places privileged, or elsewhere, and so vpwards, shall pay to, and for the first paiment of the said Subsidie two shillings eight pence, of and for every pound: and to and for the second paiment of the said Subsidie, sixteen pence, of, and for every pound. And every Alien borne out of the Queenes obeisance, in such case to pay at the firsft of the said paiments, five shillings foure pence of every pound, and at the second paiment two shillings eight pence of and for every pound. And that all summes presented and chargeable by this Act, either for goods and debts, or either of them, or for lands and tenements, and other the premisses, as is in this Act conteined, shall be at either of the said paiments set and taxed after the rate and portion, according to the true meaning of this Act (lands and tenements chargeable to the Dismes of the Clergie, and yeerely wages due to servants for their yeerely service, other then the Queenes servants, taking yeerely wages of five pounds or above, onely excepted and foreprised.) And that all Plate, Coyne, jewels, Goods, Debts and chattels personals, being in the rule and custodie of any person and persons, to the use of any Corporation, Fraternity, Guild, Mystery, brotherhood, or any Commonalty, being corporate or not corporate, be and shalbe rated, set and charged by reason of this Act, as the value certified by the presenters of that certificat, to be sworne of every pound of goods and debts, as is abovesaid. And of ecery pound in landes, tenements, annuities, fees, corrodies, or other yeerely profits, as is abovesaid. And the summes that are before rehearsed, set and taxed, to be levied and taken of them that shall have such goods in custodie, or otherwise charged for lands, as is before rehearsed. And the same person or persons, and body corporate, by authority of this Act, shall be discharged against him or them, that shall or ought to have the same at the time of the paiment or delivery thereof, or at his otherwise departure from the custodie or posession of the same. Except and alwayes foreprised from the charge and assessment of this Subsidie, all goods, chattels, jewels and ornaments of Churches and Chapels, which have been ordeined and used in Churches or Chapels, for the honour and service of Almighty God.

X. And the first paiment of the said Subsidie, shall be by the authority aforesfaid, taxed, asessed, and rated according to this Act, in every Shire, Riding, Lath, Wapentake, Rape, Citie, Borough, Towne, and every other place within this realme of England Wales, and other the Queenes dominions, before the last day of April next comming: and the second paiment of the said Subsidie, shall be by authority aforesaid, taxed, asessed and rated before the twentieth day of January next comming: And the particular summes of every Shire, Riding, Borough, Towne and other places aforesaid, with the particular names
