Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/652

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178 APPENDIX. Sterling; The one moiety to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other moiety to him or them who fhall fue fr the fame in any Court of Record, to be recovered by Bill, Plaint or other Information, wherein no EiLi^n, Protection, or other Wager of Law (hall be allowed. Oaths of A He- XIII. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That no perfon or perfons (hall be gianceandSu- capable of having, tffirig, or excicifing the Office of Poftmafter-General, or any other Imployment re- .picnucy. kiting to the faid Office, unlefs he or they fhall firft take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, be- fore any two Juftices- of the Peace of the refpective Counties wherein fuch perfon or perfons are or .(hall be refid'ent, which faid j uftices are hereby authorized to adminifter the faid Oaths accord- ingly. XIV.. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That a Letter or Pacquet-Poft fhall twice every Week come by the way of Truro and Penrin to the Town of Marketiew, alias Marhafion, in the County of Cornwall ; and once a Week to Kendal by the way of Lancajler; and to the Town of Penrith in Cumberland by the Way of Newcajlle and Carlijle; and to the City of Lincoln, and the Borough of Grinuby in the County of Lincoln ; Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. XV. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Poftmafter-General to be from time to time appointed by his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, as aforefaid, fhall continue con- ftant Pofts for carriage of Letters to all Places, though they lie out of the Poft-roads, as hath been ufed for the fpace of three years laft paft, at the Rates herein before-mentioned, under pain of forfeiture for every omiffion five pounds, to be recovered by Action, Suit xx Plaint, in any his Majefties Courts of Record, the one moiety to the ufe of his Majefty, the other moiety to the ufe of the Informer : And for the better management of the faid Port-Office, and that the people of thefe Kingdoms may have their intercourfe of Commerce and Trade the better maintained, and their Letters and Advices conveyed, carried and re- carried with the greateft fpeed, fecurity, and convenience that maybe; ThePoftmafter, XVI. Be it further enacted, That the faid Poftmafter-General fo nominated, appointed and con- &c to obferve ftituted, as aforefaid, and his Deputies, (hall from time to time obferve and follow fuch Orders, KsMajeftyftaii K- U ' es 5 Directions and Inftructions for and concerning the fettlement of convenient Pofts and Stages make. upon the feveral Roads in England, Scotland and Ireland, and other his Majefties Dominions, and the providing and keeping of a fufficient number of Horfes at the faid feveral Stages, as well for 'the carrying and conveying of the faid Letters -and Pacquets, as for the horfing of all Through- pofts and perfons riding in -Poft' by warrant or oth«rwife, as aforefaid, as his Majefty, his Heirs and Sucqeffors, (hall from time to time in that behalf make and ordain; And. that his Majefty, his Heirs ; and .Succeffors, may grant the faid Office of Poftmafter-General, together with the Pow- Provifo, Truro, Penrin, Lancafter, Pen nth, Carlifle, Grimsby. Poflmafter to continue con- stant Pofts. Penalty for .every omiffion. His Majefty may grant the life oJye'a^not l rs and Authorities thereunto 'belonging, and the feveral Rates of Portage above-mentioned, and all exceeding.; years. No'HorfeS-to be feized with- out confent of theowneis. Provifo for the rates of all In- land-Letters. Profits, Priviledges, Fees, Perquiiites and Emoluments thereunto belonging, or to belong, either for

life or "term of years, not exceeding one and twentyyears, to fuch perfon or perfons, and under fuch

Covenants, Conditions and' yearly Rents 'to Jhis faid Majefty, his Heirs and Suceeflbrs, referved, as -his faid M ; ajefty, his Heirs and. Succeffors fhall from time to time think fit for the beft advantage and ibenefit of the Kingdom. -' . ;'- ■"■'■ XVII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That no perfon fhall have power to take, ufe, or feize any Horfes for the Service mentioned in this Act,, without the confent of the Owners thereof; Any Ufage or pretence, or any thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. XVIII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Inland-Letters fent by any Pacquet-Poft eftabhfhed by' this Act, as aforefaid, da and (hall pay the rates and prices before-mentioned, at fuch Stage where they are laft delivered only, unlefs the party that delivers the Letters defireth to pay «lfewhere ; Any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithftanding. Pro- vided always, That all Letters, and other things, may be fent or conveyed to or from the Two Univerfities in manner as heretofore hath been ufed ; Any thing herein to the contrary notwith- ftanding. 13 Car., 2. ft. 1. An A 61 for Afrxrtayning and eftablifhing the Fees of the Matters of the Chancery in Ordinary." From the Parliament Rolls. WHEREAS the Office of the Mafters of the Chancery in Ordinary is of very antient Inftiturion and of neceffary ufe and continuall attendance for the Difpatch of the Bufinefs depending in that Court It appearing by ancient Records That the Conftitution of that Court was long before the Con- queft much of the Duty Paines and Attendance whereof lyeth on the faid Mafters And for that it conduceth much to the due Adminiftration of Juftice That thofe who exercife Places of Truft fhould have