Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/671

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APPENDIX. 197 Anno Regni J A C O B I II. Regis Anglic?, Scotia, Francice, & Hiberniec, primo. At the Parliament begun at Wejlminfter the Nineteenth Day of May, Anno Dom. 1685. In the Firft year of the Reign of our moft Gracious Sovereign Lord James, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, £jfc. CAP. XXII. An Act for Erecting a new Parifh to be called the Parifh of St. James within the Liberty of Wejlminfter. w H E R E A S a Church and Steeple have been lately built in or near to a Street called Jermin- church and Street in the Parifh of St. Martins in the Fields in the County of Middle/ex, and the fame Steele built in (together with the Coemetery or Church-yard thereunto adjoining) hath been confecrated by tonfecrated^y the Right Reverend Father in God Henry Lord Bifhop of London; which faid Church and Steeple, and theBifhop of the Wall inclofing the Church-yard, and other Buildings and Ornaments therein and thereunto be- ■b on ^ c "?- longing, have been built and erected at the Charge and Credit of Henry late Earl of St. Albans, and the charge of the Inhabitants, Owners and Occupiers of the Houfes, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in the Pre- late Earl of St. cinct hereafter defcribed, wherein die Sum of Seven thoufand pounds or more hath been expended, -Aba™ and part whereof is yet a Debt unpaid, and the faid Steeple is yet unfinifhed, and no Houfe provided for —ooL - expend- the Habitation of a Minifter to officiate in the faid Church, which will occafion a greater Expence : ed. And forafmuch as it is found neceffary, and for the better accommodation and conveniency of the In- St ^ p ! e u "?" habitants of the faid Precinct, that the fame be made Parochial and divided from the faid Parifh of St. Houfefo? the Martins, and that Provifion be made for the building and providing a convenient Houfe for a Redtor or Reftor. Minifter to officiate in the faid Church, and a competent Maintenance for him, and fuch others as (hall The PrtdWl be alfiftant to him therein, as alfo for paying the Debts incurred for building the faid Church, and a ° lc i divided' making fuch Provifion as lhall be needful, to perfect and finiih the Steeple, and otherwife, as it is here- from St. Mar- after expreffed : .•'■■■-■•. And Provifion II. Be it enacted by the Kings moft excellent Majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the ma d e t0 main- Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this prefent Parliament aiTembled, and by the Au- tain a Minifter thority of the fame, That all that Precinct included within the Bounds and Limits hereafter expreffed, ^n. ^ 15 t0 That is to fay, all the Houfes, Lands and Grounds comprehended in a place heretofore called St. And paying the James's Fields, with certain other Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments in the Confines thereof, be- Debts. ginning at a Houfe fituate at the South-fide of the Eaft-end of a Street called Catherine-Street alias Pall- InAiCmCusot Mall-Street, in the Tenure or Occupation of John Valentine Coffee-Man, having an Iron Balcony, in- the Parifh de- cluding the faid Houfe, and extending from thence to the middle Denter of the Pavement of the Hay- fcribed. Market-Street, over againft a Houfe there in the Occupation of one Thomas Batten a Sadler, taking in the Weft-fide of the faid Street, from the faid middle Denter to the Weft-end of Coventry- Street, com- prehending the North-fide thereof, and from thence inclining Northward by a Houfe in the Occupation of one John Bolton Carver, by the Weft-fide of a Street called Princes' s-Street, including the Weft- fide thereof, and proceeding from thence to the South-end of the Place called Sohoe, and palling on the Weft-fide of the faid Street or Place called Sohoe, including the faid Weft-fide thereof, to a Houfe being the Sign of the Talbot on the North-eaft Corner of a Place called Currance his Corner, including the faid Houfe, and from thence taking in the South-fide of the Road-way called Tyburn-Road, Weftward to a Houfe' being the Sign of the Plough at the North-weft Corner of a Lane called Mary-bone-Lanc, in- by Field in the Tenure and Occupation of Richard Earl of Burlington, his Aftignee or Affigns, including the faid Field, and the Highway between the fame and the Garden-Wall of the faid Earl of Burlington to the North-weft Corner of the faid Garden-Wall, including the faid Garden and the Manfion Houfe of the faid Earl, called Burlington-Hoy fe, fronting the Street called Portugal-Street, with all the Out-Houfes, Stables, Yards and Buildings thereof, and thereunto appertaining, and crofting from the South-weft Corner of the Wall of the faid Houfe in the faid Portugal-Street, to the middie Denter thereof, ex- cluding all the North-fide of the faid Street Weftward from the South-weft Corner of the faid Wall, and proceeding from the faid middle Denter Weftward on • the South-fide of the faid Portugal-Street to St. James' s-Street, palling down the middle Part or Denter thereof towards St. James's Houfe, to the middle Channel on the South-fide of a new Street called Park-Place, comprehending all the Eaft-fide of St. James' s-Street to St. James's- Houfe, and all the Weft-fide thereof, from the faid middle Channel downwards as far as the fame extends, and including the South-fide of the faid Pari- Place, to the Garden of Barbara Dutchefs of Cleveland, comprehending the fame, together with Cleveland- Houfe, and all the Yards, Stables, Out-houfes and Buildings thereunto appertaining, and alfo the Street which leads from the outward Gate of the faid Houfe, fronting Part of St. James' 's- Houfe, to the Gate of the faid Houfe, and from thence to the faid Pall-Mall-Street, comprehending all the Houfes, Buildings and Yards