Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/72

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22 C. 12. Anno tertio Georgii III. A. D. 1762. ported into this Kingdom, unjefs fuch Wine be imported^ directly from the Country or Place of the Madeira Wines imported Growth of the faid Wine, or the ufual Port or Place of its fir ft fhipping, except Madeira Wines from the Britilh Planta- imported into this Kingdom from any of his Majcfty's Plantations in America; any Thing in the tione in America «- faiJ rec ; tal Ru]e to tl contrary notwithftanding. Tmjn and after 5 July yj # And be ; t f urther enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the fifth Day of tytobeTakl on'aUCyder J u b one thoufand feven hundred and fivty-three there fball be raifed, collected, levied and paid judTcir-yj * unto and for the Ufe of his M'ajefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, for and upon all Cyder and Perry which fhall at any Time or Times be imported or brought into the Kingdom of Great Britain (over and above all other Cuftoms, Subfidies and Duties by any Act or Acts of Parliament or Law what- foever impofed upon or payable for the fame) the additional Rate or new Duty of Excife herein after expreffed ; that is to fay, vU On a'l Cyder and For every Ton of Cyder or Perry imported into Great Britain from beyond the Seas, and fo pro- perty imported, 40s. portionably for a greater or le.Ter Quantity, to be paid by the Importer before Landing, over and f e ' lon » above all other Duties payable for the fame, two Pounds. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the fifth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three, there {hall be raifed, levied, collected and paid, and upon all Cyder and unto and for the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and, for and upon all Cyder and Perry Perry made within made within the Kingdom of Great Britain (over and above all other Duties, Charges and Impo- Creat Britain. fitions, by any former Act or Acts of Parliament thereupon refpectively fet, rated or impofed) the new Duty of Excife herein after mentioned and expreffed ; that is to fay, 4s. per Hoglhead to be For a H Cyder and Perry which fliall be made in Great Britain, upon every Hogfhead, to be paid paid by the Maker. by the Maker thereof, and fo proportionably for a greater or lefs Quantity (over and above all other Duties now payable for Cyder or Perry) the Sum of four Shillings. VIII. And for the better afcertaining, charging, collecting, raifing, levying and fecuring the faid Rates and Duties by this Act impofed, and preventing Frauds therein; Be it further enacted Duties upon Cyder and by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch of the faid Rates and Duties by this Ait granted, as are. Perry made m England, cnar g ec ] upon Cyder or Perry made in or imported into 'England, Wales, or the Town of fewii and Management of C the u P m Tweed, fliall be under the Receipt and Management of the Commiffioners and Officers of his Commiflioneis and Offi- Majelty's Revenues of Excife in England for the Time being; and fuch of the faid Rates and Du- cers of Excife there ; ties as are impofed by this Act upon Cyder or Perry made in or imported into Scotland, fliall be and thole in Scotland, under the Receipt and Management of the Commiffioners and Officers of Excife in Scotland for the rmder like Officers there Yi m e b e j no .. anc j the f a jj refpective Commiffioners of Excife, or the major Fart of them, have Coniminioners to appoint , 1 r> 1 .-< • ,-r- 1 1 ■ en- tt 1 1 o 1 n* 1 • a fufiicient Number of hereby rower, by Comnuffion under their relpective Hands and beals, to commute and appoint Officers; and the Duties under them fuch Officers as fhall be necefiary in that Behalf; and all Monies arifmg by and in re- to be paid into the Ex- fpect of the faid Duties upon Cyder and Perry (the necefiary Charges of raifing and accounting for chequer apart from all tr)e fame excepted ) fhall from time to time be paid into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, other Momes. distinctly and apart from all other Branches of the Publick Revenue. Makers of Cyder or Per- IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid fifth Day ry (notbei'igCompound- jfuly one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three, all and every Perfon and Perfons, not being a and t^MMs^refleT' Compounder or Compounders, who fhall intend to make any Cyder or Perry, fhall, ten Days at or other UcenTils, Store- lead before he, fhe or they fhall begin to make Cyder or Perry, make, a true and particular Entry in houfes, and other Places Writing, at the Office of Excife next to the Place where fuch Cyder or Perry fliall be intended to to be made ufe of, at the be made, of the refpective Name or Names of fuch Maker or Makers, and of every Mill or Prefs, next Office of Excife, or oi: her Utenfil belonging to him, her or them, for the making of Cyder or Perry, and alfo of beain'to work! ** every Store-houfe, Ware-houfe, Cellar, or other Place, wherein he, {lie or they intend to make, Penalty of ufmg anyun- lay or keep any Cyder or Perry ; and if any fuch Maker of Cyder or Perry fhall, contrary to the entered Place or Mill,_ Directions of this Act, make ufe of any Mill, Prefs, or other Utenfil, or Storehoufe, Warehoufe, &c - 2 5'- Cellar or other Place, either for the making, laying or keeping any Cyder or Perry, without having made fuch Entry as aforefaid, he, file or they fhall refpectively forfeit and lofe the Sum of twenty- five Pounds for every fuch Offence. Officers of Excife, upon IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid fifth Day Requeit made, are to f j lt / v OIle thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three, all and every the Officers of Excife fliall, at Day- time, to" il pia«s a - mes m trie Day-time, be permitted upon their Requeft, to enter the Mill-houfe,. Store-hcufe, envied or made ufe of Ware-houfe, Cellar, and all other Places whatfeever, belonging to, or ufed by any Perfon or Per- for making or keeping fons whatfocver, either for the making, laying or keeping of Cyder or Perry, of which Notice Perry or Cyd:r, fliall or ought to have been given as aforefaid, who at any Time or Times, from and after the faid fifth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three, fhall make any Cyder or Perry, and and to gauge, and report to gauge and take an Account of all the Cyder or Perry which fliall be there found, and fhall Co^^ffi 'ntY° th ° thereof make Return or Report in Writing to the refpective Commiffioners of Excife in Great Bri- leavin" -a Copy' for the tcun i or fuch other Perfon or Perfons as they fhall refpectively appoint to receive the fame, leaving Maker. a true Copy of fuch Report in Writing, under his or their Hand, with or for fuch Maker of Cyder or Perry; and fuch Report or Return of the laid Officer or Officers fliall be a Charge upon fuch 3 Maker