Page:Ruffhead and Runnington - The Statutes at Large - vol 18 (14).djvu/33

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(Public Local and Personal,) 39 & 40 GEO. III. xxvii

lxxxvii. An Act for dividing, allotting, and inclosing, the Open Common Fields, Meadows and Pastures, Commons and Waste Lands, in the Parishes of Byfleet and Weybridge, and Manor of Byfleet, with its Members; in the County of Surrey. Page 510

lxxxviii. An Act for extending the Royalty of the City of Glasgow over certain adjacent Lands; for paving, lighting, and cleansing the Streets, for regulating the Police, and appointing Officers and Watchmen; for dividing the City into Wards, and appointing Commissioners; and for raising Funds, and giving certain Powers to the Magistrates and Council, and Town and Dean of Guild Courts for the above and other Purposes. 511

lxxxix. An Act to empower the Governor and Company of the Bank of England to purchase certain Houses and Grounds contiguous to the Bank of England, and to enable them to improve certain Avenues adjacent thereto. 512

xc. An Act to explain, amend, and render more effectual, two Acts made in the thirty-first Year of the Reign of King George the Second, and in the twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, for draining and preserving certain Fen Lands and Low Grounds in the Isle of Ely, and County of Cambridge, between the Cam, otherwise Grant, Ouse, and Mildenhall Rivers, and bounded on the South-east by the hard Lands of Isleham, Fordham, Soham, and Wicken; and for empowering the Governor, Bailiffs, and Commonalty, of the Company of Conservators of the Great Level of the Fens, called Bedford Level to sell certain Lands within the said Limits, commonly called Invested Lands; and for laying certain Rates on Vessels navigated upon the said Rivers, towards Supporting the Banks thereof. Ibid.

xci. An Act for better draining and preserving the Lands and Grounds in the Fourth District of the North Level, Part of the Great Level of the Fens called Bedford Level; and for amending and rendering more effectual an Act passed in the twenty-seventh Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second, so far as relates to the said Fourth District. Ibid.

xcii. An Act for dividing, allotting, and inclosing, certain Waste Lands in the Manor of Worthen, and the Manors or Townships of Aston Pigot and Aston Rogers, in the Parish of Worthen, in the County of Salop, and for draining, and otherwise improving, certain inclosed Lands adjoining or near a certain Rivulet or Brook called The Rea, commencing at or near a certain Piece of Water called Marton Pool, on the Confines of the Parish of Chirbury, and extending through the said Parish of Worthen, to a Bridge across the said River, called Horse Bridge, on the Confines of the Parish of Westbury, in the said County, and sundry Streams or Brooks emptying themselves thereinto. Ibid.

xciii. An Act for continuing for twenty-one Years, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the Term, and altering and enlarging the Powers, of an Act, passed in the seventeenth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, for more effectually amending, widening, and keeping in Repair, several Roads leading from the Market House, in the Town of Kidderminster, in the County of Worcester, and several other Roads therein mentioned. 513

xciv. An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers of so much of an Act passed in the thirty-fourth Year of his present Majesty's Reign, for repairing several Roads leading into the City of Glasgow, as relates to the Road from Parkhouse, to or near the Three Mile House, in the County of Lanark. Ibid.

xcv. An Act for more effectually amending, widening, improving, and keeping in Repair, several Roads leading from the Hundred House, in the County of Worcester, and also several other Roads therein mentioned. Page 513.

xcvi. An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers of an Act, made in the nineteenth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, for amending and keeping in Repair, the Road from a certain Bridge over a brook or Stream called Sudbrook, near the City of Gloucester, to the Nine Mile Stone on the Bristol Road, at or near a Place called The Clay Pits, in the County of Gloucester. Ibid.

xcvii. An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers of an Act, made in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, for repairing and widening the Road from the City of Gloucester to the Town of Stroud, in the County of Gloucester. Ibid.

xcviii. An Act for vesting Part of the settled Estates devised by the Will of Sir Patrick Blake Baronet, deceased, situate and being in the Counties of Middlesex and Suffolk, in Trustees, to be sold for Payment of Incumbrances affecting the same Estates, under the Direction of the Court of Chancery, and for laying out the Surplus of the Purchase Money in other Estates upon the Trusts and for the Purposes therein expressed. Ibid.

xcix. An Act for vesting Part of the Estates devised by the Will of Sir Richard Hotham Knight, deceased, in Trustees, to be sold, for Payment of Incumbrances, and for laying out the Surplus Monies in other Estates, to be settled in lieu thereof, and to the same Uses. Ibid.

c. An Act for Sale of certain Estates in the Parishes of Claypole, Great Ponton, and Kirton, in the County of Lincoln, devised by the Will of the Reverend William Rastall, Doctor in Divinity, and for laying out the Money arising by Sale thereof in the Purchase of other Estates, to be settled to the same Uses, and for other Purposes in the said Act mentioned. Ibid.

ci. An Act for enabling the Tenants for Life, under the Will of the late William Wright Esquire, to convey in Fee, or grant Leases for long Terms of Years, for the Purpose of Building of Part of the Estates devised by the said Will, In the Counties Palatine of Chester and Lancaster. Ibid.

cii. An Act to enable Sir George Pigot Baronet, Margaret Fisher, and Frances Pigot, to dispose of a certain diamond therein mentioned by a Lottery. 514

ciii. An Act for enabling the Most Noble Charles Duke of Richmond, and the Duke of Richmond for the Time being, to charge with Jointures the Annuity of nineteen thousand Pounds, (payable out of the Consolidated Fund, in lieu of the Coal Duty granted by King Charles the Second to Charles first Duke of Richmond, and the Heirs of his Body,) and the Stocks on Transfer of which the said Annuity is made redeemable, and for enabling the Sale of Part of the said Stocks, and investing the Money arising from any such Sale in the Purchase of Manors, Lands, and Hereditaments, and for other Purposes. 515

civ. An Act to explain, amend, and render more effectual an Act passed in the third Year of the Reign of King James the First, intituled, An Act for the recovering of Small Debts, and for the relieving of poor Debtors in London; and an Act passed in the fourteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second, to explain and amend the above-mentioned Act; and likewise for extending the Powers of the Court of Requests in the City of London, in and by the said two several Acts continued and established. Ibid.

cv. An