Page:Ruffhead and Runnington - The Statutes at Large - vol 18 (14).djvu/633

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AN INDEX TO THE STATUTES FROM The Thiity-mhT^ Year of GEORGE III. To the Forty-hrft Year of GEORGE III. (the lift Siffion of the Parliament of Great Britain) both incluivve. CT This Index is fomewhat more detailed than has hitherto been ufuil: and refers to all the Publick A<Tls comamed in the Volume as well Lcco/ and Perfonal as Genera?/. An Endeavour has been made to fhow how the various A£Ts, and their feveral Sections, are con- nedted with or bear upon each other: particularly where feveral Acts have been made on the fame S^jjett, as in the Inftanee of the Income Afs, and Land Tax R!edewpT^Orr Afis. All Adis refpefHng particular Pices will be found according to their feveral SubjifTs by referring to the following, and other, general Heads, under which the AdTts are arranged in Alphabetical order of the Names of the Places, viz. Bridges, Canass, &c. Churchis, Harbours, &c. PAViNG, Pccr.—ATs which extend only to Londox and its environs, or which relate in particular to the Cttv, will be found under that Head: and thoee rifpi£ting Scotland are as ufual claffcd under that general Head, and arranged in Subdivifions according to their feveral Subjects. . Tie Road Ad's are cliifed under Tide Turnpikes, in A-p^h^r^t^ertc^^l Order of the COunTris in which The Road btgnis. The Plates at which the Road begins and ends are alfo ftated in diiTindT Columns for The Purpoi of catching the Eye, and facilitating the Mode of Reference. A fimilar Plan is adopted unGir Tide Inclosuris. All Publick A^^^s relating to Individuals are arranged in Order of the Names of the Pefions, under the general T ill Person:/ Acts. The Puhiick L-ioc^al and Perfonil Adis are referred to in the Roman Numerals, by which their Series is diiTinguihid in the relpedTivc Sefion.. A. account# mD 3ftcuntint0 (ipublcck..

  1. „ yv FTER the Diceili of the prelent Patentees, the

I* Comnvfiioeers for auditing the publick Accounts Ihill perform the of Audirois of the Land 39 G.j. c. 8?.§ > — <0. - a. Adcditional mi^e with addition::] Sa¬ laries not exceeding 3040A 39 G. .. c, 83. § 10. 3. .All Accounss whatever fhill be verified by the publick AcconTianis on Oath, either before a Baron or Curitror . Baron of the Exchequer, or before three or more C0m- 018000^1, 39 G. 3. t 83.$ 13. 4. AVtcoums of the Piymilter General fhall'be verified by The 4 41 Geo.III. Acrounlant General of the Pay Office, 39 G. 3. e. 83. $ >4. 15. 5. His Mae city empowered to appoint five CommiHiwra. (the Governor, dc. of the Place being one) to i.^mi^ the Accoums of Comffiiilariss in The Wff /nd/w, &c lnd to report to .he Commiffioness for auditing publick Acco0ns* in EOg/antfS 41 G%o^ r. 22. § 1. 6. Teaalury may appoint Officers ind Clrta, 41 Geo. 3, t. 22. $ 2. 7. Commil^ionels empowered to iximini pirfo^, 41 Gif. J. c. 22. ^ 3. 8. Penalty on Whreiies refuting to appear; ImprifonmMt, 41 Gif. 3. c. 22. §4. 9. Penalty of Perjury on filfe Oath?. 41 Glf. 3. c. 22. S 5- 6¬ 4 G 19. Com-