Page:Rump; or An Exact collection of the choycest poems and songs relating to the late times.djvu/12

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To the Reader.

bloody a Monster, that every man has a stone or rotten Egge to cast at it. Now if you ask who nam’d it Rump, know 'twas so stil’d in an honest Sheet of Paper (call’d The Bloody Rump) written before the Tryal of our late Soveraign of Glorious Memory: but the Word obtain’d not universal notice till it flew from the mouth of Major General Brown at a Publick Assembly in the daies of Richard Cromwell. You have many Songs here, which were never before in Print: We need not tell you whose they are; but we have not subjoyned any Authors Names; heretofore it was unsafe, and now the Gentlemen conceive it not so proper. ’Tis hoped they did His Majesty some Service, ’twas for that end they were scribbled. Now (thanks be to God) we have liv’d to that day, that there is no Cavalier, because there is nothing else, and ’tis wondrous happy to see how many are his Majesties Faithfull Sub-