Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/173

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guard in this way? I have served for ten years, and my colonel never forgave me a single sleep: evidently they have not taught you anything. I forgave you once before; a third guilt is unpardonable. Well, now go to sleep; I will stand and watch."

So the Tsar went and lay down to sleep, and the soldier went sentry-guard and did not close his eyes.

Very soon there was a whistling and a knocking, and robbers came into that hut. The old woman met them and told them, "Guests have come in to spend the night."

"That is very well, bábushka; we have been rambling the woods in vain all night, and our luck has come into the hut; give us supper."

"But our guests have eaten and drunk everything up."

"What bold fellows they must be: where are they?"

"They have gone to sleep in the garret."

"Very well; I will go and settle them!"

So a robber took a big knife and crept up into the garret; but as soon as ever he had poked his head into the door, the soldier swept his cutlass round, and off came his head.

Then the soldier took a drink and stood and waited on eventualities. So the robbers waited and waited and waited. "What a long time he has been!" So they sent a man to look after him and the soldier killed him also, and in a short time he had chopped off the heads of all the robbers.

At dawn the Tsar awoke, saw the corpses, and asked, "Ho, soldier, into what danger have we fallen?"

So the soldier told him all that had happened. Then they came down from the attic. When the soldier saw the old woman he cried out to her, "Here, stop, you old devil! I must have some business with you. Why are you acting as a receiver for robbers? Give us all the money now." So the old woman opened a