Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/186

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Once upon a time in a certain country, in a certain kingdom, there were two peasants, Iván and Naúm. They entered into a partnership and went together to look for work, and they rambled about until they came to a rich village and got work with different masters. For the whole week they kept at work and met on Sunday for the first time.

"Brother, how much have you earned?" asked Iván.

"God has given me five roubles."

"God gave them to you? He does not give much unless you work for it."

"No, Brother, without God's blessing you can do nothing; you cannot gain a groat."

So they quarrelled about this, and at last they decided, "We will each go our own way. We will ask the first man we meet which of us is right. He who loses the bet must sacrifice all his earnings."

So they went on some twenty paces. Afterwards they came across an unholy spirit in human guise, and they asked him and received his reply. "What you earn for yourself is the proper thing; place no reliance on God."

Naúm gave Iván his money and returned empty-handed to his master. One week later the two men met once again, and set about the same argument. Naúm said: "Though you took my money from me last week, still, this week God gave me yet more."

"If God gave it you as you said, we will once more ask the first person who meets us who is right. The