Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/188

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Naúm had listened very attentively. Next day he grew his hand on again, then he saw to the peasant's dam, and he healed the lord's daughter. Both the peasant and the lord rewarded him richly, and he lived a fine life.

Once he met his former companion, who was very much astonished, and asked: "How is it you have become so rich, and how did you grow your hand on again?"

Naúm told him exactly what had happened, and kept nothing back.

Iván listened very attentively, and thought, "Ha! I shall do the same, and shall become richer than he!" So he went to the river and lay down on the shore, in the boat.

And at midnight all the devils gathered together. "Brothers," they said, "somebody must have been eavesdropping on us, for the peasant's hand grew again, the maiden is healed, and the mill-wheel is turning!"

So they burst on the boat, found Iván, and tore him into tiny bits.

Then the wolves wept cows' tears.