Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/208

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In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there once lived Iván Tsarévich, who had three sisters: one was called Márya Tsarévna, the second Ólga Tsarévna, and the third Ánna Tsarévna. Their mother and father had died: when they were dying they bade the son, "Whoever come first as a suitor for your sisters' hands, let them take them; do not keep them long with you." The Tsarévich buried his parents; and, in his grief, went with his sisters to walk in a green garden. Then a dark cloud appeared in the sky, and a fearful clap of thunder was heard. "Let us go home, sisters," said Iván Tsarévich.

Soon they reached the palace: the thunder rattled and the ceiling fell down, and the ceiling divided into two. And a clear-eyed Hawk came into the room, struck the ground, and turned himself into a fair, doughty youth: "Hail, Iván Tsarévich! before, I came to you as a guest, now I am coming to ask for your sister's hand: I wish to marry Márya Tsarévna."

"If you wish my sister, I will not say you nay: take her with God's blessing."

Márya Tsarévna agreed, and the Hawk married her and took her away to his own kingdom.

Then day followed day and hour followed hour. One whole year went by unheeded. Iván Tsarévich stayed with his sisters in the green garden. Then there came a cloud and there was thunder and lightning. "Let us go home, sisters," said the Tsarévich.

When they came to the palace there was a thunder-