Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/263

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wanted to know, and so he took the red coffer, put it on the ground and opened it, and out of it all sorts of cattle came out, so many that the eye could not count, and they almost filled the entire island. When the Tsar saw this he was grieved, and began to weep and say, "Whatever shall I do now? how shall I collect all of this herd into such a tiny coffer?"

And then he saw that out of the water came a man, who went up to him and asked him, "Why are you weeping so bitterly, Tsar my master?"

"Why should I not weep?" answered the Tsar. "How can I put all this great herd into this tiny coffer?"

"If you will I can aid you in your trouble; I will collect all this herd, only on condition that you give me what you do not know of at home."

So the Tsar began to ponder, "What do I not know of at home? It seems to me that I know of everything."

So he thought, and he considered it, and he said, "Go and collect them together, and I will give you what I do not know of at home."

Then the man collected all of the cattle into the box, and the Tsar went on board and sailed on his own journey.

When he reached home he saw that a son had been born to him, the Tsarévich, and he began to kiss him and to fondle him. But then he began to weep bitter tears.

"Tsar my master," said the Tsarítsa, "why do you weep such bitter tears?"

"Out of joy," he said; for he feared to tell her the truth that he must give up the Tsarévich.

So then he went into the courtyard and opened the red coffer, and out of it oxen and kine, sheep and rams, came out. There was a multitude of all sorts of cattle. All the barns and the folds were full. He then came to the forecourt and he opened the green coffer, and