Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/289

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As she clomb downhill, she saw boulders standing upright, and sprinkled them with the Water of Life; and her brothers jumped up alive and said: "Oh, what a long sleep we have had!"

"Yes, my brothers, but for me you would have slept on for ever. And look here; I have got you the Talking-Bird, the Singing-Tree, and the Water of Life!"

The brothers were overjoyed, went home and planted the Singing-Tree in the garden; it overspread the whole garden, and all kinds of birds began singing. One day they were out hunting and the King met them by chance. He fell in love with the gay huntsmen, and invited them home. They said they would ask their sister, and come at once if she consented.

So they went back home. The sister met them and greeted them, and the brothers said: "Please, sister, may we go and dine with the King? He has asked us in."

She said "Yes," and they went. At the banquet, the King gave them the place of honour, and they begged he would honour them with a visit. Some days later the King went. They gave him a rich spread, and showed him the Singing-Tree and the Talking-Bird.

He was amazed and said: "I am the King, and have nothing as good!"

Then the King looked at them and said: "Who is your father?"

They said: "We do not know." But the Talking-Bird broke in and said: "They are your children."

Then the King looked at the maiden and wanted to marry her. Again the Talking-Bird said: "You may not; she is your daughter."

The King then saw how matters stood; was overjoyed; took them to live with him for ever. As to the two evil sisters, he had them shot; but his wife he released from the chapel, and took her to himself again, and they lived merrily on for many years of happiness.