Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/78

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to sleep; and thus Mark the Rich had never found the Lord for whom he was waiting.

At midnight the lady had a dream, and heard some one knock at the window and ask: "Old and righteous man, are you sleeping here to-night?" "Yes," said the old man. "In a village near by a poor peasant has had a son; how will you reward him?" The poor man said: "He shall be lord of all the domains of Mark the Rich!" Next day the poor old man left his hostess and went forth to roam. The old peasant woman went to Mark the Rich and told him of her dream.

Mark went to the peasant and asked for the baby. "Give him to me—I will adopt him; he shall grow up; I will teach him well; and when I die he shall have all my wealth." This was what he said, but his thoughts were quite different. He took the little boy, went home, and threw him into a snow-drift. "Lie there and freeze; that's the way to become master of Mark's wealth!" But that same night hunters, passing by, hunting for hares, found the boy, took him home, and brought him up.

Many years passed by, and much water flowed in the river, and one day Mark the Rich went out with those huntsmen, saw the young boy, heard his story, and spoke about him, and knew it was the same he had cast forth. So Mark the Rich asked the youth to go home and take a letter to his wife; but in that letter he bade her poison the boy like a dog. The poor foundling set out on his road; when on his way, he met a poor man with nothing on but a shirt; but this beggar was Christ Himself. He stopped the wayfarer, took the letter, and held it for one minute, and the letter was changed in all it said. The wife of Mark the Rich was to receive the bearer with all honour, and marry him to her daughter. It was said, and it was done.

Mark the Rich returned home; and was very wroth at