Page:RussianFolkTales Afanasev 368pgs.djvu/80

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Once upon a time there was an aged queen who had a son and a daughter, who were fine, sturdy children. But there was also an evil witch who could not bear them, and she began to lay plots how she might contrive their overthrow.

So she went to the old Queen and said: "Dear Gossip, I am giving you a ring. Put it on your son's hand, and he will then be rich and generous: only he must marry the maiden whom this ring fits."

The mother believed her and was extremely glad, and at her death bade her son marry only the woman whom the ring fitted.

Time went by and the boy grew up: he became a man and looked at all the maidens. Very many of them he liked, only as soon as he put the ring on their finger it was either too broad or too narrow. So he travelled from village to village and from town to town, and searched out all the fair damsels, but he could not find his chosen one, and returned home in a reflective mood.

"What's the matter, brother?" his sister asked him. So he told her of his trouble, explained his sorrow. "What a wonderful ring you have!" said the sister. "Let me try it on." She tried it on her finger, and the ring was firmly fixed as if it had been soldered on, as though it had been made for her.

"Oh, sister! you are my chosen bride, and you must be my wife."

"What a horrible idea, brother! That would be a sin."