Page:Russian Realities and Problems - ed. James Duff (1917).djvu/191

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A. S. Lappo-Danilevsky

further criticism from Russian intuitionists: Lossky, a pupil of Kozlov, developed comprehensive views on the intuition of the external "transsubjective" world; he formulated a theory concerning the original "coordination" between one's self and the content of this world, and applied it to different parts of philosophy[1].

The gradual rise of independent research in Russia can be observed even better in the evolution of mathematics, natural sciences and humanistic studies.

Mathematics have developed in a much more logical manner, than other branches of knowledge: for they were much more independent of exterior circumstances and had no need of expensive laboratories, complicated implements, etc ; nevertheless they turned out to be

  1. Я. Колубовскій, Философіа у Русскихъ, in his Russian translation of Ueberweg-Heinze's Grundriss der Geschichte der neuen Philosophie, 1 ed., Petrograd, pp. 529–590; cf. J. Kolubovsky, "Die Philosophie in Russland," in Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Philosophische Kritik, vol. CIV, pp. 53–103, 178–220. А. Введенскій, Судьбы рууской философіи, М. 1898. З. Радловъ, Очеркъ исторіи русской философіи, С.-ПБ. 1912. O. Lourié, La philosophie russe contemporaine, Paris, 1905. Special works on the philosophy of Vladimir Solovyev: З. Радловъ, Владиміръ Соловьевъ, жизнь и ученіе, С.-Пб. 1913; Кн. Е. Трубецкой, Міросозерцаніе В. С. Соловьева, М. 1913, vols, I, II; on the philosophy of Vladimir Solovyev and Prince Sergius Trubetskoi: Л. Лопатинъ¸ Философекіа характеристики и рҍчи, М. 1911, pp. 120–235, and the articles of L. Lopatin, S. Kotlyarevsky and G. Rachinsky, dedicated to the memory of Prince Sergius Trubetskoi, in "Вопросы Философіи и Психологіи," vol. CXXXI, 1916, pp. 1–77.