Page:Russian Realities and Problems - ed. James Duff (1917).djvu/44

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The Representative System in Russia

most dependent on the Government and therefore most reliable. It was that party which contained the largest number of the landed gentry.

Table III

Social composition[1] of different Parties in the Third Duma

Parties Gentry Peasants Priests
Per cent. Per cent. Per cent.
Poles (from the Czardom of Poland) 82 18
Poles (from the Western Russian provinces) 66 17 17
Octobrists 57 11 1
Nationalists 48 25 13
Right 44 21 28
Oppositionary groups
Progressives 33·3 3 15
Constitutional democrats 32·8 1 15
Socialist democrats 14 64 15
Labour party 14 71

I shall leave out the Polish deputies, of whom in the third Duma 82 per cent, were nobles. The Poles, whatever their views on social questions, belong to the opposition, because the Government would not yield to them on the matter which chiefly interests them, i.e. the future organisation of Poland. But let me draw your attention to three groups—the Octobrists, named from the manifesto which granted the constitution in October, 1905, the Nationalists, and the "Rights." In these three groups, the landed nobility form 57, 48, and 44 per cent, respectively ; and these are the groups most favoured by the Government in

  1. The politically more independent groups of citizens and of "liberal professions" are not included.