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"Hadst thou come with such a word from Tzar Dolmat," answered Tzar Afron, "I would have given thee the horse with honor, and thou needst not have taken it from me by stealth. How will it be with thee when I send my heralds into all Tzardoms declaring thee, a Tzar's son, to be a thief? However, Tzarevich Ivan, I will excuse thee this if thou wilt serve me a certain service. Thou shalt ride over three times nine lands to the country of the Tzar whose daughter is known as Helen the Beautiful, and bring me the Tzarevna to be my wife. For I have loved her for long with my soul and my heart, and yet cannot win her. Do this and I will forgive thee this fault and with joy will give thee the Horse with the Golden Mane and the golden bridle also for Tzar Dolmat. But if thou dost not serve me this service, then will I name thee as a shameful thief in all Tzardoms."

Tzarevich Ivan went out from the splendid Palace weeping many tears, and came to the Gray Wolf and told him all that had befallen.

"Thou hast again been a foolish youth," said the Wolf. "Why didst thou not remember my warning not to touch the golden bridle?"

"Gray Wolf," said Ivan, still weeping, "I am guilty before thee!"