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Hours grew into days, and days ran swiftly after one another till a year had vanished as if it had never been. Again one day Tzarevich Alexis went walking with his two sisters in the green garden, and again there rose up in the sky a cloud like a huge black eagle, with white lightnings flashing across it. "Let us seek shelter, little sisters," he said, "for a terrible whirlwind is rising." They hurried to the Palace, and as they entered it the thunder roared, the ceiling split in two and into the gap came flying an eagle. It alighted on the floor and instantly turned into a comely youth.

"Health to thee, Tzarevich Alexis!" he said. "Heretofore I came to thy Tzardom as a visitor, but now I come to woo. Give me, I beseech thee, thy little sister Olga for my wife."

"If she so wills, then will I not deny thee," replied the Tzarevich. "What is thy mind, my sister?"

The Hawk had been well-favored, but the Eagle was more handsome, and Tzarevna Olga lost no time in accepting him, so that same day the marriage was performed and the Eagle took her away to his own country.

Another year passed swiftly, and one day the Tzarevich said: "Come, little sister, let us walk in