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roof was mother-of-pearl. Before it grew a fir-tree and on the tree perched an Eagle, which as soon as it saw him, flew down, alighted, and became a comely young man. "Hasten, wife," cried the Eagle, "our dear brother is coming!" And Tzarevna Olga came running from the Palace, kissed and embraced her brother and began to ply him with questions.

A second three little days Tzarevich Alexis spent with them and then said: "Farewell, my dear sister and brother-in-law, I go now to search for my wife, the beautiful Tzar's daughter."

"It is many versts to the Castle of Kastchey," said the Eagle, "and what shall we have to remember thee by? Leave with us thy silver fork."

He left with them the silver fork, and rode away. A first day he rode, a second day he rode, and on the third day, at sun-up, he found himself approaching a third Palace of porphyry, roofed with golden tiles, larger and more elegant than the Hawk's and the Eagle's put together. In front of the Palace stood a birch-tree on which sat a crow. The Crow flew down, alighted on the ground and was transformed into a graceful youth. "Come quickly, Tzarevna Helena," he cried, "our little brother is coming!" Then Tzarevna Helena came running