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long overtook Tzarevich Alexis. "Did I not tell thee," he said, "that thou shouldst as easily see thine own ears as again to possess Maria Morevna? When thou gavest me water I promised to give thee twice thy life. Therefore, for the second time, I forbear to slay thee. But for the third time, beware!" So saying he took Maria Morevna and rode back to his Castle, leaving the Tzarevich weeping salt tears.

Tzarevich Alexis wept till his weeping was ended, and when the next day dawned, for the third time he rode to Kastchey's Castle.

This day also the Wizard was absent. He found Maria Morevna and begged her to mount and fly with him. "Most gladly would I," she said, "but the Wizard will overtake us, and this third time he will not spare thee." But he answered: "If I cannot live with thee, I will not live without thee!" So he prevailed on her and took her up before him and spurred away.

When evening was come Kastchey rode home from his hunting, and as he neared his Castle his horse began to sway from side to side. "How now, thou beggarly cob!" he cried. "Dost thou lack fodder, or dost thou perceive some calamity?"