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ster-Tzar bade his subjects depart into all parts of the sea-ocean and find the Tzar of the Pike-fish and order him to come before him, else would he declare unending war against him and all his kind.

They hastened into all waters, and when they had found the Tzar of the Pike-fish, they gave him the royal command, and with a great retinue of attendants he came swimming to where the Lobster-Tzar waited. He made his obeisance and the other said: "These two unconquerable heroes, my friends, but lately dropped into the sea-ocean a ring, which was swallowed by one of thy subjects. Find and bring hither that ring, else will I war against thee and waste and destroy thy whole Tzardom."

So the Tzar of the Pike-fish, since he feared the Lobster-Tzar, summoned all his people, and when they had gathered together small and great, he questioned them. And a tiny pike-fish swam forward, and said: "O Tzar's Majesty! there is a pike I know who did swallow something this morning which disagreed with him so that he fell sick, and a little while ago he died."

The Tzar of the Pike-fish bade them bring the dead one, and as soon as they did so the dog fell upon it and began to devour it, beginning with the tail. Vaska, the cat, however, cunningly made a