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"Rather give me a piece of gold, and I will point you out the road of cleverness."

Thereupon one of them gave him the piece of gold, when he crossed himself and said: "O Boyars and gentlemen, well do I know thy quest. However, another maiden as lovely as the wife of Taraban the archer ye will not find in the whole world. Sooner will beards grow from the palms of your hands. It is of no use to search for her, and as the Tzar will be satisfied with nothing less, your heads will pay for your failure. Go ye back therefore to the Tzar and bid him command the archer to journey across three times nine lands to the little forest monster Muzhichek, who is as high as the knee, with mustaches seven versts long, and to bring hither his invisible servant, Schmat-Razum, who lives in his master's pocket and doth all that he orders him. Bid the Tzar demand this of the archer, and he shall have his will. For while Muzhichek indeed exists, no man can find his dwelling nor perceive his invisible servant, and Taraban will wander all his life long, though he live forever, without accomplishing the task, and the Tzar may have his beautiful wife."

The Boyars and Ministers were rejoiced. They