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has been spirited away by Kastchey, the most powerful of all the wizards. While his own realm and castle are beyond three times nine lands, he possesses strongholds many and various in other Tzardoms, and it has long been known that his most splendid Palaces are upon the tops of the highest, most inaccessible mountains in the next Tzardom to thine own. It is, however, bootless to war against him, for his Palaces are, each and every one, surrounded by enchantment, and Kastchey himself cannot be killed by mortal means, since he carries his life not in his body, but in a secret place that is known only to himself. We counsel thee, therefore, to choose another wife, for thy lost Tzaritza thou wilt never regain as long as the world lasteth."

The Tzar was deeply saddened by this speech. So much did he love his vanished Tzaritza that he would not choose another in her place, but sent criers into far kingdoms, offering wealth and honors to whomever would restore her to him. Daring heroes and great generals came in response from all sides, each promising valiant deeds, and Tzar Bel-Belianin bade each take from the royal treasury sufficient gold for his needs. But though scores arrived thus and rode away, there came no news of the missing Tzaritza.