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goest further, to Kastchey's second Palace, perchance thou mayest hear of her. The Wizard is hard to conquer, however, and thou art the first who has been able to come thus far. Shouldst thou succeed, I pray thee to remember me and take me back with thee to the white world."

Tzarevich Petr promised her this, and setting out, traveled for the space of a day till he came to a Palace more splendid than the first, built all of silver. It, too, was unguarded, and entering, he found in its further chamber a damsel sitting on a silver stool, weaving on a silver loom with thread of pure silver. Her, also, he greeted and told his errand.

"I, too," she said, "was stolen away from my father's realm by the Wizard, and brought to this Palace, whither he comes to visit me once every two months. I have not seen thy little mother, but go thou to Kastchey's third Palace, beyond this, and perchance thou mayest hear of her. If thou meetest and art victor over him, forget me not, I beseech thee, but take me with thee to the white world."

The Tzarevich gave the damsel his promise and set out at once, and the next day came to a Palace wealthy and magnificent which blazed like fire in