Page:Ruth Fielding at Lighthouse Point.djvu/45

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"I never thought to ask ye, deary," she said. "Ye must be very hungry. Ye ain't had no supper."

"You sit right down there and keep still," said Ruth, smiling as she removed her coat. "I guess I can find something to eat."

"Well, there's cocoa. You make you a warm drink. There's plenty of pie and cake—and there's eggs and ham if you want them."

"Don't you fret about me," repeated Ruth.

"What makes you so mussed up?" demanded Aunt Alvirah, the next moment. "Why, Ruth Fielding! have you been in the water?"

"Yes, ma'am. But you know water doesn't hurt me."

"Dear child! how reckless you are! Did you fall in the lake?"

"No, Aunty. I jumped in," returned the girl, and then told her briefly about her adventure on the Lanawaxa.

"Goodness me! Goodness me!" exclaimed Aunt Alvirah. "Whatever would your uncle say if he knew about it?"

"And what is the matter with Uncle Jabez?" demanded Ruth, sitting down at the end of the table to eat her "bite." "You haven't told me that."

"I 'lowed to do so," sighed the old woman. "But I don't want him to hear us a-gossipin'