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Emacs Chat with Carsten Dominik

Sacha: Hello. Hi. This is Sacha.

Carsten: Hi, Sacha. I'm putting on my headphones. Is that useful? I think the sound is better like this.

Sacha: Yes. I have my headphones on too. I am super excited to talk to you, because you are one of my Emacs heroes.

Carsten: That's great. I'm also excited to talk to you because I've been reading your blog for… I don't know, is it 10 years now or whatever?

Sacha: Yes, it has been.

Carsten: And that has always been a lot of fun.

Sacha: My blogging has come about just because of Emacs and Planner.

Carsten: I remember, yes.

Sacha: …and now I moved to Emacs in Org Mode and that's all due to you. So thank you, and thank you for taking the time.

Carsten: I'm sure this will be fun.

Sacha: I'm doing these chats with other Emacs geeks because it's nice getting to know the people and the stories behind how people are using Emacs. I find that we learn so much when we're peeking over someone else's shoulder as they use Emacs or as they talk about how they use Emacs. That's why I've really enjoyed talking to people like John, Thomas, and the others. I would love to hear about your story, how you got started, how you use Emacs, maybe how you configured it, and other cool things you learned along the way.

Carsten: Okay. Well, yes, sure. I can get started.

Well, I started with some other flavor of Emacs, many years ago, when I was still doing my PhD in Berlin. That's where I come from, Berlin. There was the