Page:Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol 1.djvu/181

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your thoughts and behave like a brute beast, giving your enemies the trouble of laughing at you. Thanks to it, you may also dance in the midst of an assembly, accompanying yourself with the music of your mouth. Being of such a nature, it is worth purchasing by you, that liquor within the jar, devoid as it is of any good!

15. 'Even the bashful lose shame by drinking it, and will have done with the trouble and restraint of dress; unclothed like Nirgranthas[1] they will walk boldly on the highways crowded with people. Of such a nature is the liquor contained in this jar and now offered for sale[2].

16. Drinking it may cause men even to lie senseless asleep on the king's roads, having their figures soiled with food ejected by their vomitings and licked from their face by bold dogs. Such is the beverage, lovely to purchase, which has been poured into this jar!

17. Even a woman enjoying it may be brought by the power of intoxication into such a state, that she would be able to fasten her parents to a tree and to disregard her husband, may he be as wealthy as Kubera[3]. Of this kind is the merchandise which is contained within this jar!

18. "That liquor, by drinking which the Vrishnayas and the Andhakâs were put out of their senses to this degree, that without minding[4] their relationship they crushed down each other with their clubs, that very beverage of maddening effect is enclosed within this jar!

19. 'Addicted to which whole families of the highest rank and dignity, the abodes of splendour, perished,

  1. The Nirgranthas are a class of monks, especially Gain monks, who wander about naked.
  2. Instead of the reading of the printed text, the fourth pâda, I suppose, should be read thus: sâ panyatâm upagatâ nihitâtra kumbhe.
  3. The strange examples for illustration are occasioned by the exigencies of a metrical tour de force, very skilfully executed.
  4. It is evident that vismitabandhubhâvâh is a misprint for vismritabandhubhâvâh.