Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 15.djvu/234

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unconsciousness, then gather those senses (prd^as) around him, and he, taking with him those elements of light, descends into the heart When that person in the eye l turns away, then he ceases to know any forms.

2. '" He has become one," they say, " he does not see 2 ." "He has become one," they say, "he does not smell." " He has become one," they say, " he does not taste." " He has become one/' they say, "he does not speak." " He has become one," they say, " he does not hear." " He has become one," they say, " he does not think." "He has become one," they say, " he does not touch." " He has become one," they say, " he does not know." The point of his heart 3 becomes lighted up, and by that light the Self ^ departs, either through the eye 4 , or through the skull 6 , or through other places of the body. And when he thus departs, life (the chief pr£#a) departs after him, and when life thus departs, all the other

marishyan aMlyam etya sammohati. Here &b!lyam should cer- tainly be dbalyam, as in the commentary ; but should it not be abalyam, as here. See also Brih. Up. Ill, 5, 1, note.

1 -£3kshusha purusha is explained as that portion of the sun which is in the eye, while it is active, but which, at the time of death, returns to the sun.

2 Ekibhavati is probably a familiar expression for dying, but it is here explained by »Sankara, and probably was so intended, as meaning that the organs of the body have become one* with the Self (ling&tman). The same thoughts are found in the Kaush. Up. Ill, 3, pra«a ekadhd bhavati.

3 The point where the na^s or veins go out from the heart.

4 When his knowledge and deeds qualify him to proceed to the sun. .Sankara.

5 When his knowledge and deeds qualify him to proceed to the Brahma-world.

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