Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 15.djvu/338

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7. Through one of them, the Udâna (the out-breathing) leads (us) upwards to the good world by good work, to the bad world by bad work, to the world of men by both.

8. The sun rises as the external Prâna, for it assists the Prâna in the eye[1]. The deity that exists in the earth, is there in support of man's Apâna (down-breathing). The ether between (sun and earth) is the Samâna (on-breathing), the air is Vyâna (back-breathing).

9. Light is the Udâna (out-breathing), and therefore he whose light has gone out comes to a new birth with his senses absorbed in the mind.

10. Whatever his thought (at the time of death) with that he goes back to Prâna, and the Prâna, united with light[2], together with the self (the gîvâtmâ) leads on to the world, as deserved.

11. He who, thus knowing, knows Prâna, his offspring does not perish, and he becomes immortal. Thus says the Sloka:

12. He who has known the origin[3], the entry, the place, the fivefold distribution, and the internal state[4] of the Prâna, obtains immortality, yes, obtains immortality."

  1. Without the sun the eye could not see.
  2. With Udâna, the out-breathing.
  3. This refers to the questions asked in verse 1, and answered in the verses which follow.
  4. The adhyâtma, as opposed to the vahya, mentioned in verse 1. Ayati instead of âyâti is explained by khândasam hrasvatvam.