Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 17.djvu/126

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  • And again, &c. : " The Sama«a Gotama is con-

fident^ ; he teaches the doctrine of confidence, &c/'

6. * And in which way is it, Siha, that one speak- ing truly could say of me : " The Sama»a Gotama denies action ; he teaches the doctrine of non-action; and in this doctrine he trains his disciples ?" I teach, Stha, the not-doing of such actions as are unright- eous, either by deed, or by word, or by thought ; I teach the not bringing about of the manifold condi- tions (of heart) which are evil and not good. In this way, Stha, one speaking truly could say of me : " The Sama«a Gotama, &c."

  • And in which way is it, Slha, that one speaking

truly could say of me : " The Sama«a Gotama main- tains action ; he teaches the doctrine of action ; and in this doctrine he trains his disciples?" I teach, Slha, the doing of such actions as are righteous, by deed, by word, and by thought ; I teach the bring- ing about of the manifold conditions (of heart) which are good and not evil. In this way, &c."

7. * And in which way is it, Stha, that one speak- ing truly could say of me : " The Sama«a Gotama maintains annihilation; he teaches the doctrine of annihilation ; and in this doctrine he trains his dis- ciples?" I proclaim, Stha, the annihilation of lust, of ill-will, of delusion ; I proclaim the annihilation of the manifold conditions (of heart) which are evil and not good. In this way, &c."

  • And in which way is it, Stha, that one speak-

ing truly could say of me : *' The Sama«a Gotama

  • irresolute ' and * irresolution/ But here the words are taken in

quite another sense, with a pun that cannot be rendered in English ; see § 9. » See § 9.

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