Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 17.djvu/140

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as the ground was passable for carriages, and then dismounting from the carriage, and going on foot. And when he had come there, he bowed down before the Blessed One, and took his seat on one side.

And when he was so seated the Blessed One preached (&c., as usual, for instance, I, 8, 2, 3, down to:) 'taken his refuge in him.'

'May the Blessed One consent to take his meal, together with the Bhikkhu-samgha, at my house to-morrow.'

The Blessed One consented by remaining silent.

14. Then Mendaka the householder when he saw that the Blessed One had consented (&c., as usual, see VI, 18, I, 2, down to:) sat down on the seat prepared for him,

15. Then the wife, and the son, and the daughter-in-law, and the slave of Mendaka the householder went to the place where the Blessed One was: and when they had come there they bowed down before the Blessed One and took their seats on one side.

And the Blessed One preached to them (&c., as in f 13, down to:) 'taken their refuge in him.'

16. Then Mendaka the householder served the Bhikkhu-samgha with the Buddha at their head (&c., as usual, down to:) sat down on one side.

And when he was so seated Mendaka the householder said to the Blessed One : ' So long as the Blessed One shall stay at Bhaddiya, so long will I provide the Bhikkhu-samgha with the Buddha at their head with food every day.'

Then the Blessed One gladdened (&c., as usual, down to:) the Blessed One rose from his seat, and went away.

17. Now when the Blessed One had remained