Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 17.djvu/180

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'That Bhikkhu's Kathina privileges are suspended on the ground of the common suspension.'

End of the section entitled Asd-do/asaka[1].


' A Bhikkhu, after the Ka/>^ina ceremony has been held, goes away on some business. And when he has got beyond the boundary, he conceives the expectation of getting a robe (presented). And he devotes himself to the realisation of his expectation, and he obtains, &c.^'

End of the Kara«lya-do/asaka ^


I. 'A Bhikkhu, after the Ka/^ina ceremony has been held, goes away travelling to the (four) quarters (of the world*), guarding^ his claim to a share in the robes. When he is so travelling, the Bhikkhus ask him : " Where have you kept Vassa, friend, and where have you your share in the robes ?"

' He replies : " I have kept Vassa in such and such

' See chap. 8. i. The same three times four cases are specified here as in chap. S ; only the opening clauses of each case, which we have printed above, are different from those in chap. 8. ' * The twelve cases of (the Bhikkhu's going away on) business.'

  • Comp. II, 21, 1.
  • Apa>Hnayamana, comp. apa^iti, apa^Wta.
  1. 'The twelve cases (in which the robe is received) as expected.'